مستشفى كولومبيا آسيا بالام فيهار، جورجاون

for Rectocele Surgery

Rectocele Surgery

Rectocele is a posterior vaginal wall prolapse that occurs when the wall that separates the rectum from the vagina weakens thus allowing the vaginal wall to bulge. It can be managed conservatively by physiotherapy and using vaginal pessaries. Surgical options included colporrrhaphy and rectocele repair. Surgery is the definitive management of this condition.

نظرة عامة

مستشفى كولومبيا آسيا بالام فيهار هو مستشفى متعدد التخصصات تم إنشاؤه عام 2008. وهو يعالج المرضى في عدة تخصصات بما في ذلك أمراض القلب، طب الأسنان، الأورام، طب الأطفال، أمراض النساء والتوليد. معترف به من قبل مجلس الجودة الهندي ومعتمد من قبل NABH لخدمات الرعاية الصحية المتميزة. يتألف المستشفى من 90 سريراً وهو مجهز بعيادات فرعية تشمل عيادات العمود الفقري والركبة والربو ومستحضرات التجميل وجراحة الأنف والأذن والحنجرة لتقديم علاجات أكثر تخصصا. يمكن للمرضى الوصول إلى خدمة الواي فاي المجانية وخدمات غسيل الملابس وأجهزة التلفزيون في غرفهم كجزء من إقامتهم. يمكن للموظفين المساعدة في حجز الفنادق وتوفير الإقامة لأفراد الأسرة الذين يرافقون المرضى.

غير متأكد من حالتك الطبية والعلاج الذي يناسبك؟

هل أنت غير متأكد من العلاج الأنسب لحالتك الطبية أو ترغب في معرفة المزيد عن المخاطر التي ينطوي عليها العلاج؟ أو هل أنت قلق بشأن الموقع والخدمات ومؤهلات الطبيب المعالج؟ من السهل توضيح كل شكوك. ما عليك سوى مشاركة تفاصيل الاتصال الخاصة بك ، والتحدث إلى خبرائنا أو الحصول على استشارة مجانية عبر الإنترنت ، والحصول على جميع الإجابات عن أسئلتك في أي وقت من الأوقات.


Columbia Asia Hospital Palam Vihar is located south west of New Delhi in the city of Gurgaon. It is found 13 km from the Indira Gandhi International Airport. The Kingdom of Dreams is an entertainment park famous for its large Bollywood musicals. It is well known for combining theatre, culture, cuisine, and performing arts in one relaxing destination. It is a must-see for all visitors to Gurgaon and is found just 8 km from the hospital. Gurgaon is a wonderful mixture of museums, tombs, and temples mixed with water parks, bird sanctuaries, and shopping malls, with leisure options to suit a range of budgets.

لغة الكلام

English, Hindi, يمكن ترتيب المترجمين للغات أخرى


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Spinal Surgery 6 الاجراءات

Artificial Disc Replacement

Sometimes also called total disc replacement or total disc arthroplasty. The procedure involves replacing a painful damaged disc with an artificial disc. The procedure can be performed on the neck (cervical spine) or lumbar spine (lower back). The procedure helps preserve motion in the intervertebral discs. It is performed in patients with damaged discs, e.g., due to disease or cervical disc herniation unresponsive to non-surgical management.


This is a surgical procedure used to remove areas of the vertebral bones called lamina. Muscles of the back are pushed sideways during the procedure rather than cut and sections of the vertebra adjacent to the lamina left intact. It’s sometimes referred to as decompression surgery. It helps relieve purser on the spinal nerves and spinal cord. Commonly done to manage spinal stenosis.

Scoliosis Treatment

Scoliosis is a condition where ones spine bend LATERALLY (sideways). It arises commonly before pubertal growth spurts. It can be caused by muscular dystrophy, cerebral palsy or idiopathic. Surgery is the main modality of treatment. Surgical options include scoliosis fusion surgery and anterior scoliosis corrective surgery (VBT).

Artificial Disc Replacement

Sometimes also called total disc replacement or total disc arthroplasty. The procedure involves replacing a painful damaged disc with an artificial disc. The procedure can be performed on the neck (cervical spine) or lumbar spine (lower back). The procedure helps preserve motion in the intervertebral discs. It is performed in patients with damaged discs, e.g., due to disease or cervical disc herniation unresponsive to non-surgical management.


This is a surgical procedure used to remove areas of the vertebral bones called lamina. Muscles of the back are pushed sideways during the procedure rather than cut and sections of the vertebra adjacent to the lamina left intact. It’s sometimes referred to as decompression surgery. It helps relieve purser on the spinal nerves and spinal cord. Commonly done to manage spinal stenosis.

Scoliosis Treatment

Scoliosis is a condition where ones spine bend LATERALLY (sideways). It arises commonly before pubertal growth spurts. It can be caused by muscular dystrophy, cerebral palsy or idiopathic. Surgery is the main modality of treatment. Surgical options include scoliosis fusion surgery and anterior scoliosis corrective surgery (VBT).

Bariatric Surgery 4 الاجراءات

Gastric Bypass Surgery

This is a surgical procedure where the stomach is divided into a smaller upper pouch and a much larger remnant pouch after which the small bowel is rearranged to connect with both. It is currently performed endoscopically. It used to manage type 2 diabetes, morbid obesity, sleep apnea, etc.

Gastric Sleeve

This is a surgical procedure done to induce weight loss in a patient. Partial gastrostomy is done in which a larger portion of the stomach will be removed leaving only 15% of its original weight intact. It permanently reduced the size of one’s stomach despite the fact that sometimes dilation may occur later in life. In can be achieved through an open or laparoscopic surgery.

Gastric Bypass Surgery

This is a surgical procedure where the stomach is divided into a smaller upper pouch and a much larger remnant pouch after which the small bowel is rearranged to connect with both. It is currently performed endoscopically. It used to manage type 2 diabetes, morbid obesity, sleep apnea, etc.

Gastric Sleeve

This is a surgical procedure done to induce weight loss in a patient. Partial gastrostomy is done in which a larger portion of the stomach will be removed leaving only 15% of its original weight intact. It permanently reduced the size of one’s stomach despite the fact that sometimes dilation may occur later in life. In can be achieved through an open or laparoscopic surgery.

Cosmetology 4 الاجراءات

Laser Hair Removal

This is the process of removing unwanted hair by exposing them to a beam of pulses of light that will destroy the hair follicles. The intense heat of the laser will damage these hair follicle inhibiting any future growth.

Skin Tightening Treatment

These is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure that is done to tighten sagging or loose skin and reduce appearance of wrinkles in one’s neck, face and body. Laser skin tightening uses heat energy to stimulate elastin and collagen reduction in deeper layers of the skin thereby gradually improving the skin texture and tone.

Laser Hair Removal

This is the process of removing unwanted hair by exposing them to a beam of pulses of light that will destroy the hair follicles. The intense heat of the laser will damage these hair follicle inhibiting any future growth.

Skin Tightening Treatment

These is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure that is done to tighten sagging or loose skin and reduce appearance of wrinkles in one’s neck, face and body. Laser skin tightening uses heat energy to stimulate elastin and collagen reduction in deeper layers of the skin thereby gradually improving the skin texture and tone.

Gastroenterology 4 الاجراءات


This is a surgical procedure used to remove the gallbladder i.e., pear- shaped organ below the right lobe of the liver where bile is stored. The gallbladder can be removed due to inflammation (cholecystitis), gallstones if it leads to pancreatitis, gallbladder cancer, and biliary colic. The procedure can either be open or laparoscopic. Laparoscopic surgery is minimally invasive and only performed by a laparoscopic surgeon. Currently, advanced laparoscopic surgeries use single incisions, a technique called single incision laparoscopic surgery (SILS) or laparoendoscopic single site surgery.

Liver Biopsy

This is biopsy taken form the liver. It is a medical procedure that is done to diagnose, assess severity or monitor response to treatment of liver diseases.


This is a surgical procedure used to remove the gallbladder i.e., pear- shaped organ below the right lobe of the liver where bile is stored. The gallbladder can be removed due to inflammation (cholecystitis), gallstones if it leads to pancreatitis, gallbladder cancer, and biliary colic. The procedure can either be open or laparoscopic. Laparoscopic surgery is minimally invasive and only performed by a laparoscopic surgeon. Currently, advanced laparoscopic surgeries use single incisions, a technique called single incision laparoscopic surgery (SILS) or laparoendoscopic single site surgery.

Liver Biopsy

This is biopsy taken form the liver. It is a medical procedure that is done to diagnose, assess severity or monitor response to treatment of liver diseases.

Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine 4 الاجراءات


This is an endoscopic procedure done to visualize the inside of the airways for therapeutic and diagnostic purposes. The endoscopic instrument is inserted into the airways via either the nose or mouth and sometimes via a tracheostomy.

Tuberculosis (TB) Treatment

TB can either be pulmonary or exra-pulmonary. Treatment of TB is done in two phases it the intensive phase and the continuation phase. The intensive phase is usually a two months period of treatment with rifampicin, ethambutol, isoniazid and pyrazinamide. The continuation phase is usually a seven to eighteen months of treatment with rifampicin and isoniazid. The duration of the continuation phases is dependent of result of sensitivity tests and immune status of patient including comorbidities.


This is an endoscopic procedure done to visualize the inside of the airways for therapeutic and diagnostic purposes. The endoscopic instrument is inserted into the airways via either the nose or mouth and sometimes via a tracheostomy.

Tuberculosis (TB) Treatment

TB can either be pulmonary or exra-pulmonary. Treatment of TB is done in two phases it the intensive phase and the continuation phase. The intensive phase is usually a two months period of treatment with rifampicin, ethambutol, isoniazid and pyrazinamide. The continuation phase is usually a seven to eighteen months of treatment with rifampicin and isoniazid. The duration of the continuation phases is dependent of result of sensitivity tests and immune status of patient including comorbidities.

Colorectal Medicine 2 الاجراءات

Rectocele Surgery

Rectocele is a posterior vaginal wall prolapse that occurs when the wall that separates the rectum from the vagina weakens thus allowing the vaginal wall to bulge. It can be managed conservatively by physiotherapy and using vaginal pessaries. Surgical options included colporrrhaphy and rectocele repair. Surgery is the definitive management of this condition.

Rectocele Surgery

Rectocele is a posterior vaginal wall prolapse that occurs when the wall that separates the rectum from the vagina weakens thus allowing the vaginal wall to bulge. It can be managed conservatively by physiotherapy and using vaginal pessaries. Surgical options included colporrrhaphy and rectocele repair. Surgery is the definitive management of this condition.

Diagnostic Imaging 2 الاجراءات

CT Scan (Computed Tomography)

This is a modern imaging technique that makes use of that makes use of computed processed X-ray measurements that are taken at different angles to produce tomographic images of specific areas of objects scanned thereby allowing the user to see the internal structure of the object without physically cutting them. It is used in the diagnosis, screening or prevention of diseases.

CT Scan (Computed Tomography)

This is a modern imaging technique that makes use of that makes use of computed processed X-ray measurements that are taken at different angles to produce tomographic images of specific areas of objects scanned thereby allowing the user to see the internal structure of the object without physically cutting them. It is used in the diagnosis, screening or prevention of diseases.

General Medicine 2 الاجراءات


This is the administration of a vaccine to a person to stimulate their immune system thereby developing adaptive immunity against the target pathogen.


This is the administration of a vaccine to a person to stimulate their immune system thereby developing adaptive immunity against the target pathogen.

Laboratory Medicine 2 الاجراءات

Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) Testing

STI treatment require that a proper history of signs and symptoms taken, physical examination done and relevant investigations ordered. A proper treatment plan is then prepared depending on the findings.

Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) Testing

STI treatment require that a proper history of signs and symptoms taken, physical examination done and relevant investigations ordered. A proper treatment plan is then prepared depending on the findings.

Nephrology 2 الاجراءات

Kidney Transplant (Living Related Donor)

This is the transplant of a healthy kidney to patients with an end-stage renal disease or no functional kidneys. Kidneys are important because they remove wastes and toxins from the body apart from producing important hormones in the body. The kidney can be taken from a live donor or deceased donor. There recipient and donor can be genetically related or non-related depending on whether a biological relationship existed between them. India has very nice centers where this can be done successfully.

Kidney Transplant (Living Related Donor)

This is the transplant of a healthy kidney to patients with an end-stage renal disease or no functional kidneys. Kidneys are important because they remove wastes and toxins from the body apart from producing important hormones in the body. The kidney can be taken from a live donor or deceased donor. There recipient and donor can be genetically related or non-related depending on whether a biological relationship existed between them. India has very nice centers where this can be done successfully.

Sleep Medicine 2 الاجراءات

Sleep Study

This is a non-invasive medical test that is done overnight to allow physicians to monitor ones sleep so as to see what is taking place in the body and brain. For this test, the patient will be taken to a sleep laboratory in a sleep center or a hospital where he will spend overnight. The most common sleep studies include multiple sleep lacency test (MSLT), polysomnogram and maintenance of weakness test (MWT).

Sleep Study

This is a non-invasive medical test that is done overnight to allow physicians to monitor ones sleep so as to see what is taking place in the body and brain. For this test, the patient will be taken to a sleep laboratory in a sleep center or a hospital where he will spend overnight. The most common sleep studies include multiple sleep lacency test (MSLT), polysomnogram and maintenance of weakness test (MWT).

Tropical medicine 2 الاجراءات

Malaria Treatment

Malarial is the leading killer in many part of Asia and Africa. A patient can present with specific or non-specific symptoms. History of residency or travel to malarial infected regions is important. The management offered will depend on whether it is complicated or uncomplicated. The type of drug used will also be influenced by pregnancy and allergy to some antimalarial.

Malaria Treatment

Malarial is the leading killer in many part of Asia and Africa. A patient can present with specific or non-specific symptoms. History of residency or travel to malarial infected regions is important. The management offered will depend on whether it is complicated or uncomplicated. The type of drug used will also be influenced by pregnancy and allergy to some antimalarial.

Vascular Medicine 2 الاجراءات

Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair

An Aneurysm is a dilated section of an artery. Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm occurs when the Abdominal Aorta enlarges and balloons outward at this point. The repair of AAA is achieved in two ways, i.e., endovascular Aneurysm repair (EVAR) and open repair.

Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair

An Aneurysm is a dilated section of an artery. Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm occurs when the Abdominal Aorta enlarges and balloons outward at this point. The repair of AAA is achieved in two ways, i.e., endovascular Aneurysm repair (EVAR) and open repair.

Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery 3 الاجراءات


Also known as tummy task is a cosmetic procedure that is done to make the abdomen firm and thinner. It involves the removal of excess skin and fat from the lower and middle abdomen to tighten the fascia and muscles of the wall of the abdomen. The procedure is sought after by patient with sagging or loose tissue, especially after marked weight loss or pregnancy. Types of Abdominoplasty available include high lateral tummy tuck, floating Abdominoplasty, circumferential Abdominoplasty, extended or partial or complete Abdominoplasty and combined procedure, e.g., with liposuction.

Arm Lift

Also known as Brachioplasty, is a procedure to provided increased contour and reshape the upper arms and at the same time connect the area to the chest wall. Techniques for Brachioplasty included minimal incision Brachioplasty, liposuction of the arm, traditional Brachioplasty, fish-incision Brachioplasty, extended Brachioplasty, superficial fascial system suspension, use of molds and non-excisional Brachioplasty.

Breast Implants

It is a prosthesis (saline or silicon) used to change the shape, contour, and size of one's breast. It adds volume to ones existing breast thereby creating a fuller chest. They are used in plastic and reconstructive surgeries to rectify congenital problems, restore natural breast mound after mastectomy or cosmetically in breast argumentation procedures.

Urology 3 الاجراءات

Bladder Stone Removal

This is a procedure done to remove renal stones that have formed in the bladder or pound their way into the bladder hence causing obstruction and pain. Various procedures are used to remove the stones, e.g., percutaneous suprapubic crystolitholapaxy and open cystostomy.

Erectile Dysfunction Treatment

Erectile Dysfunction is the inability of a man to keep or get an erection firm to have sexual intercourse. It is commonly described as important. The condition can be managed medically. 1st the patient has to be evaluated for a treatment plan is made, the plan may incorporate assistive devices like pumps or medications.

Kidney Stones Treatment

The treatment of renal stones included taking a lot of water to help pass these stones and use of painkiller to relive renal colonic pain. Drug used included NSAIDs, diuretics narcotics and urinary retention drugs. Medical procedures that can be done to remove the stones include laser lithotripsy, uteroscopic stone removal and extracorporeal shockwave therapy.

General Surgery 3 الاجراءات


This is the surgical removal of the appendix. It is performed after a patient suffering from acute appendicitis. It can be performed as laparoscopic or as an open procedure.

Bone Marrow Transplant (Autologous)

This is a surgical procedure which involves a process where unhealthy bone marrow tissue is replaced with a healthy one. In an autologous transplant, your own blood-forming stem cells are collected. You are then treated with high doses of chemotherapy. The high-dose treatment kills the cancer cells, but it also gets rid of the blood-producing cells that are left in your bone marrow.

Liver Resection

This is the surgical removal of a part of the liver. It is a procedure done to manage some types of liver malignancies and metastatic colorectal cancer. The liver tumor must be located in the area under resection.

Ophthalmology 1 الاجراءات

Eyelid Surgery

It is also known as blepharoplasty. It’s a surgical procedure meant to improve the appearance of one's eyelids. It can be performed on the lower lid, upper lids or both. It’s performed by plastic surgeons and helps correct deformities, disfigurations, and defects of the eyelids. It’s used to treat sagging or loose skin that creates a fold and disturb natural contour of the eye, remove fatty deposits that make ones eye puffy, remove bags below the eye, correct drooping lower lid and remove fine wrinkles and excess skins in lower lids.

Cardiology 3 الاجراءات

Aortic Valve Repair

This is a procedure done to repair or replace aortic valves damaged by disease. Aortic valves are one of the four heart valves that help regulate the flow of blood in the heart. The surgeon will remove the damaged valves and replace them with a prosthetic one which is then screwed into place. The valves can be mechanical (made of artificial materials like carbon) or biological, i.e., from animal or human tissue.

Atrial Septal Defect (ASD) Closure

An ASD is a congenital heart defect in the atrial septum that results in leakage oxygen-rich blood from left atrium to the right atrium. This increases the work of workload of the right side of the heart and if not corrected early can lead to heart failure. The defect if small can be corrected by cardiac catheterization usually by a pediatric cardiologist. A large defect often needs open heart procedures.

Bentall Procedure

This is a cardiothoracic operation that involves the replacement of a composite graft of the aortic root, ascending aorta and the aortic valve with implantation of coronary arteries into the graft.

Dermatology 3 الاجراءات

Acne Treatment

Acne is an inflammatory papular, pustular, and follicular eruptions involving the pilosebaceous units in the skin. It is treated medical using either local or topical agents by a dermatologist. All drugs used for the management of acne act as Anti-inflammatory, Anti-comedonal and Anti-microbial agents.


This is a non-surgical cosmetic medical procedure.it involves the multiple injections of homeopathic and pharmaceutical drugs , vitamins , plant extracts and various other ingredients into the skin subcutaneous fat layer. The procedure helps remove excess fat, tighten the skin thus rejuvenating it.

Mole and Skin Lesion Evaluation

This is like dermatological consult aimed at examining moles (benign pigmented lesion o the skin with histologic and clinical picture of malignant melanoma) and other lesion in the skin. This evaluation is important in that potential skin malignancies like malignant melanomas will be captured early and treated.

Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) 2 الاجراءات


This is a surgical procedure used to remove the adenoids (lymphoid tissue in the nasopharynx) when they are enlarged hence causing recurrent earache, chronic infections or impaired breathing via the nose. It is performed by an otolaryngologist.

Cochlear Implant

This is an electronic gadget (device) used to replace the functions of the inner ear when it is damaged. The implant does the work of the Cochlear by generating sound signals for the brain. It is thus useful in persons with profound or moderate hearing loss bilaterally. The device helps one to her better. Cochlear implant surgery is done by ENT Surgeon.

Endocrinology 3 الاجراءات

Diabetes Consultation

This is the review of a newly diagnosed or known diabetic patient by a diabetic care team. The doctors will take the patient history of the condition, carry out physical examinations to detect any diabetic complication, proper carryout investigations like RBS and educated the patient about his condition an, the impotence of drug compliance and possible lifestyle changes that patient will have to implement. The consult may decide to change the patient drugs.

Endocrinology Consultation

This is a review of a patient suspected or diagnosed with endocrinological disorders such as hyperthyroidism. The patient will undergo a clinical examination and relevant investigations ordered to check the patient’s general medical condition. The patient’s medications will also be reviewed, and if failing, they will be changed. The consult can be done to a gynecologic, obstetric, medical, surgical, pediatric or even a psychiatric patient.

Endocrinology Testing

These are tests done to diagnose or rule our Endocrinological disorders. The test measures the level of a certain hormone in the blood, e.g., estrogen, thyroid function test, growth hormone, stimulating follicle hormone, etc.

Gynecology 3 الاجراءات

Antenatal Care (ANC)

This is a type of preventive health care that aims at providing expectant mothers regular checkups to prevent and treat potential health care problems in the course of pregnancy while at the same time creating awareness on healthy living for the benefit of child and mother.

Breast Biopsy

This is a procedure used to obtain a sample of a tumor in the breast for purposes of laboratory and histological analysis. Various breast sampling techniques are available, e.g., FNA, incisional biopsy, excisional biopsy, and core biopsy.

Ectopic Pregnancy Surgery

This is an emergency exploratory laparotomy surgical procedure done to manage a raptured ectopic pregnancy. Ectopic pregnancies are extra uterine pregnancies.

Neurosurgery 3 الاجراءات

Brain Tumor Surgery

Surgery is the common modality for managing many malignant and most benign tumors. The operation is performed by a neurosurgeon. It helps relieve seizures, remove tumors, take biopsies and enable chemotherapy or radiotherapy. Common techniques used include craniotomy, craniotomy, partial or complete removal, shunting, transsphenoidal surgery, LITT, etc.

Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) Surgery

This is a surgical procedure that is done to implant a device that send electrical stimulus signals to brain regions responsible for body movement. Electrode is placed deep in the brain and then connected to a stimulating device. DBS helps remove symptoms of slowness of movement, tremor, walking problems and stiffness that is caused by dystonia, essential tremor or Parkinsonism disease.

Skull Base Surgery

This is minimally invasive, highly specialized neurosurgical technique for diagnosis, evaluating and treating cancerous or benign growths located on the base of the skull, the upper vertebrae of the spine and the underside of the brain.

Oncology 3 الاجراءات

Acute Leukemia Treatment

The statement of acute leukemia depends on the subtype of leukemia. Treatment empathizes long-term cemetery with antineoplastic drugs. Various combination of chemotherapeutic agents has been developed for various leukemias. Oncologist use chemotherapy with or without radiotherapy and stem cell transplant.


Chemotherapy is the use of drugs to treat diseases. But in medicine, it is commonly used when referring to the medical treatment of cancer that utilizes one or more antineoplastic medications as part of a standardized chemotherapeutic regimen. They are given with the intent to reduce symptoms, prolong life or cure cancer. Each cancer has a specific regiment that has been prepared for its management. Medical oncologists administrate chemotherapeutic regiment.

Chronic Leukemia Treatment

The treatment of chronic leukemia depend on a person’s age, reason for treatment, disease risk group, stage of cancer, signs and symptoms of disease, patient preference and overall health. Treatment options included targeted drug therapy, chemotherapy, bone marrow transplant, and immunotherapy.

Orthopedics 3 الاجراءات

Bone Fracture Treatment

Treatment depend on the severity of the fracture, patient choice and cost of treatment. Medically, reduction is done to fix a dislocated or Brocken bone. Devices available to fix fracture include orthopedic casts, splints, elastic bandages, and traction splint. Therapeutic physical therapy and joint manipulation can be done. Surgery included internal and external fixation.

Clubfoot Treatment

Club foot is also known as congenital talipes equinovarus. It is a combination of four thing in one i.e. cavus, adductus, varus and equinus. There are several types of clubfoot. It is a highly disabling condition if not managed early. The condition can be managed Non-operatively by Ponseti technique, Kite technique and French technique. Surgical options included: Posteromedial soft tissue release, Osteotomies, Triple arthrodesis, Achilles tenotomy and JESS.

Elbow Replacement

This s a procedure done to replace elbow joint that has been damaged by disease or trauma. It is indicated in severe loss of function, instability, joint destruction, severe pain or deformity. It is successful in relieving people of pain and improving the overall quality of life of the patient.

Rheumatology 3 الاجراءات

Fibromyalgia Treatment

Fibromyalgia is a condition characterized by widespread muscle pain and tenderness accompanied by sleep, mood, fatigue and memory issues. There is no cure, but proper medications and regular physical activity can help patient condition to improve. The condition is managed by a combination of exercise, education, psychotherapy and relaxation techniques. The pain medications and antidepressants help to control the fatigue, anxiety, depression, and pain. Find the best Indian Hospitals for Fibromyalgia treatment here.

Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment

Rheumatoid Arthritis is a chronic inflammatory rheumatologic condition that affects many joints including those of the feet and hand. If not properly managed, it results in gross deformities in one's limbs and severely reduce the quality of one’s life. The condition is diagnosed medically though imaging and lab tests are often needed. Though it has no cure, the condition can be slowed through medical and physiotherapy interventions. The most common drugs used in its management include, corticosteroids, NSAID, immunosuppressive drugs and DMARDs.

Rheumatology Consultation

This is a review of a patient suspected or diagnosed with Rheumatologic disorders such as Rheumatoid arthritis. The patient will undergo a clinical examination and relevant investigations ordered so as to check the patient’s general medical condition. The patient’s medications will also be reviewed and if failing, they will be changed. The consult is done by a consultant Rheumatologist.


متخصصون للعمل معهم مستشفى كولومبيا آسيا بالام فيهار، جورجاون

Dr. Kinshuk Biswas Ophthalmology

  • Dr. Kinshuk Biswas is a well known Ophthalmologist with an experience of over 18 years working at Columbia Asia Hospital in Palam Vihar.
  • He has formerly got the chance to work at the renowned Indraprastha Apollo Medical Centre, Vasant Kunj in New Delhi, as Registrar in the Department of Ophthalmology and as a visiting consultant.
  • Over the years, he has gained a lot of experience and has become an expert in his field; performing an average of 15-20 phacoemulsification Cataract Surgeries with intra ocular lens implant, per month.
  • He is a life member of societies like All India Ophthalmological Society and Delhi Ophthalmological Society.

Dr. Amita Shah Gynecology

  • Dr. Amita Shah is a dedicated and reputed Obstetrician & Gynaecologist at Columbia Asia Hospital in Palam Vihar.
  • She has worked as a Rotating Intern at P.L. Sharma Hospital in Meerut and has a brilliant overall work experience of over 22 years.
  • Because of her academic excellence, she has been honored and acknowledged with awards on several occasions like the ‘DhanvantriGold Medal’for best performance in M.D. (Obs-Gynae) examination
  • Few of her papers like ‘Comparative study of various methods of fetal weight estimation at term pregnancy’ have been published in the Souvenir of the 10th Annual Conference of the U.P. Chapter of FOGSI and presented at various National Conferences.

Dr. Arun Bhanot Orthopedics

  • Dr Arun Bhanot is a well-known name in the country in the field of minimally invasive spine surgery and endoscopic spine surgery.
  • He has an experience of performing more than 2500 spinal procedures and more than 500 endoscopic spinal procedures with a very high success rate.
  • He is an invited faculty at various national and international conferences on Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery and has published many international papers and contributed towards textbooks on spine surgery with national and international publishers.

Dr. Rajiv goel Urology

  • Dr. Rajiv Goel is an highly acknowledged Urologist and has dedicated his career to General Surgery & Urology at Columbia Asia Hospital in Palam Vihar.
  • He initially interned at All India Institute of Medical Sciences in New Delhi and has an exceptional work experience of 19 years and above.
  • Visiting Fellow at Institute of Urology and Nephrology in London; and Consultant Urologist at Institute of Kidney Diseases and Research Centre in Ahmedabad.
  • He has been acknowledged with several awards like BJU SIU Scholar 2004 and Royal Melbourne Urology Fellowship 2007 etc.

Dr. Sunil Singla Urology

  • Dr. Sunil Singla is a Consultant Neurologist, having the skill to monitor progress and outcomes of patients with neurological issues including neurocritical care.
  • He is adept in performing thrombolytic procedures for acute ischemic stroke.
  • He is adequately skilled in doing lumbar puncture and nerve-muscle biopsies and can independently perform and interpret NCV, EMG, EEG and various other procedures required.
  • He has special interest in dealing with neurological cases such as strokes and epilepsy.
  • He is experienced in handling acute head trauma.
  • He has evidence based practice, and is involved in presenting and publishing research work in National and International Forums

Dr. Abhay Inderjit Ahluwalia Endocrinology

  • Dr. Abhay Inderjit Ahluwalia, MBBS, MD (General Medicine), DNB (General Medicine), DM (Endocrinology), is a reputed General Medicine and Endocrinology specialist at Columbia Asia Hospital, Palam Vihar.
  • He has gained over 25 years astounding experience in endocrinology and General Medicine.
  • He has undertaken many researches and detailed studies in his field of expertise.
  • He has the honor of receiving many awards during his professional career in the Armed forces.
  • He has total teaching experience 22 years and various teaching post has been held by him.

Dr. Amit Deepta Goswami General Surgery Bariatric Surgery

  • Dr Amit Deepta Goswami is an experienced Laparoscopic and Bariatric Surgeon.
  • Having gained widespread experience, he is an expert in providing service related to Laparoscopy, Bariatric Surgery, Trauma Surgery, Medical Counseling and Surgical/ Medical Advisory Services.
  • . He is a National Board Certified Bariatric and Minimal Access (Laparoscopic) Surgeon.

Dr. Aashutosh Soniya Paediatrics

  • Dr. Aashutosh Soniya is a specialist in Pediatrics at Columbia Asia Hospital in Palam Vihar.
  • He has an exceptional work experience of over 17 years and has been serving since 1999
  • He also has an adequate teaching experience and has always shown keen interest in attending CME’s, Conferences and Workshops
  • As a resident, he authored various presentations like ‘Neurocutaneous syndromes’ and has delivered lectures and conducted seminars.

Dr. Sanjat Chiwane Cardiology

  • Dr. Sanjat Chiwane is MBBS, MD (Internal Medicine), DM (Cardiology) and is MCI certified specialist in Cardiology and Internal Medicine at Columbia Asia Hospital at Palam Vihar.
  • Dr. Sanjat Chiwane is MBBS, MD (Internal Medicine), DM (Cardiology) and is MCI certified specialist in Cardiology and Internal Medicine at Columbia Asia Hospital at Palam Vihar.
  • His practice area includes Adult Cardiac Interventions, Functional Angioplasty, Cardiac Pacemaker Implantations, Cardiac Resynchronisation therapy and AICD Implantations, Paediatric Cardiac Catheterization & Device closure and Ecocardiography.
  • He has been awarded Honors in Anatomy, Biochemistry, Physiology, Pathology, Pharmacology & General Surgery.
  • He is affiliated and/or is a member of Association of Physicians of India and Cardiological Society of India.

احصل على رد مجاني من الفريق.

اكتب استفسارك

احصل على خطة علاجية مجانية بما في ذلك تقدير السعر ، ملف تعريف الاستشاري ، إلخ.


احصل على خطة علاجية مجانية شخصية لحالتك الطبية.

احصل على خطة علاجية مجانية تتضمن معلومات مفصلة حول تقديرات تكلفة العلاج ، وطبيب سيعالجك ، ومدة الإقامة والعلاج ، ومعدلات النجاح وما إلى ذلك.

ملف جديد

السيرة الذاتية للمريض


تشخيص طبي

إذا كنت تحمل أي تقارير طبية عن حالتك من أي مستشفى / طبيب في العالم ، فنحن نقبلها جميعًا. عن طريق تحميل التقارير الطبية ، يمكن لأطبائنا / أطبائنا الاطلاع على التقرير على نطاق واسع واقتراح خطة العلاج المناسبة اللازمة لتحسين صحتك. من السهل. فقط اضغط على "إرفاق" واختر الملف.

اضافة تقرير

التقرير المضاف

    لتفاصيل العامة