مستشفى إحالة كولومبيا آسيا، يشوانثبور، بنغالور

for Cochlear Implant

Cochlear Implant

This is an electronic gadget (device) used to replace the functions of the inner ear when it is damaged. The implant does the work of the Cochlear by generating sound signals for the brain. It is thus useful in persons with profound or moderate hearing loss bilaterally. The device helps one to her better. Cochlear implant surgery is done by ENT Surgeon.

نظرة عامة

مستشفى إحالة كولومبيا آسيا يشوانثبور عضو في شبكة مجموعة كولومبيا آسيا للرعاية الصحية الدولية، التي تدير 28 مستشفى في جميع أنحاء آسيا. تم تأسيسها في عام 2008 وتم اعتمادها من قبل NABH (المجلس الوطني للاعتماد للمستشفيات ومقدمي الرعاية الصحية)، وهو أعلى اعتماد يمكن أن تحصل عليه المستشفيات في الهند. يغطي هذا المستشفى متعدد التخصصات تقريبا جميع مجالات الطب، ويتميز في تخصصات زراعة الكبد والكلى ونخاع العظام والأورام وعلم الأعصاب وجراحة العظام. يتبع المستشفى معايير الرعاية الصحية العالمية ويحظى بشعبية مع المرضى من خارج الهند. يتم تقديم المساعدة في الحصول على التأشيرة والحجوزات الفندقية وكذلك ترجمات السجلات الطبية. يمكن لجميع المرضى الوصول إلى أجهزة التلفزيون في غرفهم وخدمة الواي فاي المجانية والإقامة العائلية للإقامة لمدة ليلة واحدة.

غير متأكد من حالتك الطبية والعلاج الذي يناسبك؟

هل أنت غير متأكد من العلاج الأنسب لحالتك الطبية أو ترغب في معرفة المزيد عن المخاطر التي ينطوي عليها العلاج؟ أو هل أنت قلق بشأن الموقع والخدمات ومؤهلات الطبيب المعالج؟ من السهل توضيح كل شكوك. ما عليك سوى مشاركة تفاصيل الاتصال الخاصة بك ، والتحدث إلى خبرائنا أو الحصول على استشارة مجانية عبر الإنترنت ، والحصول على جميع الإجابات عن أسئلتك في أي وقت من الأوقات.


Columbia Asia Referral Hospital Yeshwanthpur is located just northwest of the city of Bengaluru (formerly Bangalore) in India. It is 33 km from the Kempegowda International Airport and is also accessible via public transportation with several bus stops and a metro station nearby. Bengaluru is the capital of India's southern Karnataka state, and is steeped in history and culture. It is also known for its greenery and beauty. The ISKCON Temple Bangalore is a temple dedicated to the deities of Radha and Krishna. It was inaugurated in 1997 by Shankar Dayal Sharma and is one of the largest ISKCON temples in the world.

لغة الكلام

English, Hindi, يمكن ترتيب المترجمين للغات أخرى


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Special dietary requests accepted

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Online doctor consultation

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Visa / Travel office

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International newspapers

Business centre services

Personal assistance / Concierge

Health insurance coordination



Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery 3 الاجراءات


Also known as tummy task is a cosmetic procedure that is done to make the abdomen firm and thinner. It involves the removal of excess skin and fat from the lower and middle abdomen to tighten the fascia and muscles of the wall of the abdomen. The procedure is sought after by patient with sagging or loose tissue, especially after marked weight loss or pregnancy. Types of Abdominoplasty available include high lateral tummy tuck, floating Abdominoplasty, circumferential Abdominoplasty, extended or partial or complete Abdominoplasty and combined procedure, e.g., with liposuction.

Arm Lift

Also known as Brachioplasty, is a procedure to provided increased contour and reshape the upper arms and at the same time connect the area to the chest wall. Techniques for Brachioplasty included minimal incision Brachioplasty, liposuction of the arm, traditional Brachioplasty, fish-incision Brachioplasty, extended Brachioplasty, superficial fascial system suspension, use of molds and non-excisional Brachioplasty.

Breast Implants

It is a prosthesis (saline or silicon) used to change the shape, contour, and size of one's breast. It adds volume to ones existing breast thereby creating a fuller chest. They are used in plastic and reconstructive surgeries to rectify congenital problems, restore natural breast mound after mastectomy or cosmetically in breast argumentation procedures.

Urology 3 الاجراءات

Bladder Stone Removal

This is a procedure done to remove renal stones that have formed in the bladder or pound their way into the bladder hence causing obstruction and pain. Various procedures are used to remove the stones, e.g., percutaneous suprapubic crystolitholapaxy and open cystostomy.

Erectile Dysfunction Treatment

Erectile Dysfunction is the inability of a man to keep or get an erection firm to have sexual intercourse. It is commonly described as important. The condition can be managed medically. 1st the patient has to be evaluated for a treatment plan is made, the plan may incorporate assistive devices like pumps or medications.

Kidney Stones Treatment

The treatment of renal stones included taking a lot of water to help pass these stones and use of painkiller to relive renal colonic pain. Drug used included NSAIDs, diuretics narcotics and urinary retention drugs. Medical procedures that can be done to remove the stones include laser lithotripsy, uteroscopic stone removal and extracorporeal shockwave therapy.

General Surgery 3 الاجراءات


This is the surgical removal of the appendix. It is performed after a patient suffering from acute appendicitis. It can be performed as laparoscopic or as an open procedure.

Bone Marrow Transplant (Autologous)

This is a surgical procedure which involves a process where unhealthy bone marrow tissue is replaced with a healthy one. Bone marrow is the spongy soft tissue inside one's bones that contain blood-forming cells (hematopoietic or blood stem cells). The cell intern mature into platelets, white blood cells, and red blood cells. Before the transplant, radiation, chemotherapy or both may be given to destroy the diseased bone marrow tissue. This can be done in either of two ways, i.e., reduced intensive treatment or ablative treatment. The three types of bone marrow transplants are umbilical cord blood transplant, allogeneic bone marrow transplant or autologous bone marrow transplant. The donor cells are collected in two ways or leukapheresis or bone marrow harvest.

Liver Resection

This is the surgical removal of a part of the liver. It is a procedure done to manage some types of liver malignancies and metastatic colorectal cancer. The liver tumor must be located in the area under resection.

Ophthalmology 1 الاجراءات

Eyelid Surgery

It is also known as blepharoplasty. It’s a surgical procedure meant to improve the appearance of one's eyelids. It can be performed on the lower lid, upper lids or both. It’s performed by plastic surgeons and helps correct deformities, disfigurations, and defects of the eyelids. It’s used to treat sagging or loose skin that creates a fold and disturb natural contour of the eye, remove fatty deposits that make ones eye puffy, remove bags below the eye, correct drooping lower lid and remove fine wrinkles and excess skins in lower lids.

Cardiology 3 الاجراءات

Aortic Valve Repair

This is a procedure done to repair or replace aortic valves damaged by disease. Aortic valves are one of the four heart valves that help regulate the flow of blood in the heart. The surgeon will remove the damaged valves and replace them with a prosthetic one which is then screwed into place. The valves can be mechanical (made of artificial materials like carbon) or biological, i.e., from animal or human tissue.

Atrial Septal Defect (ASD) Closure

An ASD is a congenital heart defect in the atrial septum that results in leakage oxygen-rich blood from left atrium to the right atrium. This increases the work of workload of the right side of the heart and if not corrected early can lead to heart failure. The defect if small can be corrected by cardiac catheterization usually by a pediatric cardiologist. A large defect often needs open heart procedures.

Bentall Procedure

This is a cardiothoracic operation that involves the replacement of a composite graft of the aortic root, ascending aorta and the aortic valve with implantation of coronary arteries into the graft.

Dermatology 3 الاجراءات

Acne Treatment

Acne is an inflammatory papular, pustular, and follicular eruptions involving the pilosebaceous units in the skin. It is treated medical using either local or topical agents by a dermatologist. All drugs used for the management of acne act as Anti-inflammatory, Anti-comedonal and Anti-microbial agents.


This is a non-surgical cosmetic medical procedure.it involves the multiple injections of homeopathic and pharmaceutical drugs , vitamins , plant extracts and various other ingredients into the skin subcutaneous fat layer. The procedure helps remove excess fat, tighten the skin thus rejuvenating it.

Mole and Skin Lesion Evaluation

This is like dermatological consult aimed at examining moles (benign pigmented lesion o the skin with histologic and clinical picture of malignant melanoma) and other lesion in the skin. This evaluation is important in that potential skin malignancies like malignant melanomas will be captured early and treated.

Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) 2 الاجراءات


This is a surgical procedure used to remove the adenoids (lymphoid tissue in the nasopharynx) when they are enlarged hence causing recurrent earache, chronic infections or impaired breathing via the nose. It is performed by an otolaryngologist.

Cochlear Implant

This is an electronic gadget (device) used to replace the functions of the inner ear when it is damaged. The implant does the work of the Cochlear by generating sound signals for the brain. It is thus useful in persons with profound or moderate hearing loss bilaterally. The device helps one to her better. Cochlear implant surgery is done by ENT Surgeon.


متخصصون للعمل معهم مستشفى إحالة كولومبيا آسيا، يشوانثبور، بنغالور

Dr. Sunil Kumar S Cardiology

  • Dr. Sunil Kumar S. is currently the Consultant in Interventional Cardiology at Columbia Asia Hospital, Hebbal and Yeshwanthapur Units, Bangalore, since January 2016.
  • Dr. Sunil Kumar S. has innumerable national and international publications to his credit, and his research experience is vast.
  • fter completing his DM Cardiology, he was appointed as an Associate Consultant Cardiologist, Fortis Hospitals, Bangalore, and later as a Consultant in Sapthagiri Institute of Medical Sciences, Bangalore.

Dr. Rajeswari Janakiraman Endocrinology

  • Dr. Rajeswari Janakiraman a well-trained and qualified Endocrinologist, is working as a Senior Consultant in Endocrinology since the inception of this hospital in 2008.
  • Dr. Rajeswari has played a vital role in the inception of the Endocrine specialty at the Columbia Asia Referral Hospital.
  • Evidence based and ethical practice has been the hallmark of the endocrine specialty at our hospital.

Dr. Nandakumar Jairam Gastroenterology

  • Dr. Jairam is a former Professor and Head of the department of surgery at St/ John's Medical College Hospital, Bangalore.
  • is expertise in colo-rectal surgery is acquired from Mayo Clinic, USA and St. Mark's Hospital London.
  • He is renowned surgeon and a very popular teacher.
  • is area of interests are in colo-rectal surgery, difficult fistulae in ano and anal incontinence

Dr. Jalihal Umesh M Gastroenterology

  • Dr.Jalihal Umesh M is currently the Chief of Gastroenterology at Columbia Asia Hospital, Yeshwanthpur, Bangalore.
  • eing a recipient of the Government of India National Merit Scholarship, his areas of interest are emergency and therapeutic endoscopies.
  • He has also enriched his knowledge in the GI field by being a chairperson and panelist in a number of national and international conferences in Gastroenterology.

Dr. Ajit K Huilgol Nephrology

  • Dr Ajit Huilgol is the Director and Chief Transplant Surgeon, Karnataka Nephrology and Transplant Institute.
  • A strong-willed and dedicated surgeon, with multiple publications to his credit, he has been a mentor to many young surgeons.
  • The proficiency, passion, and indomitable spirit in his work have won him reverence from his colleagues.
  • With his leadership role in Transplant Surgery, here in Columbia Asia, he is also part of the team that conducts kidney transplants in Bangladesh, Nigeria, and Ethiopia.

Dr. Arjun Srivatsa Neurosurgery

  • Dr. Arjun Srivatsa is the Senior Consultant, Neurosurgery, Columbia Asia Hospitals and has been consulting at the Yeshwanthapur and Hebbal Units of the hospital in Bangalore
  • Dr. Arjun Srivatsa is a fulltime neurosurgeon at Columbia Asia Hospital who is involved in the management of a wide variety of neurosurgical cases, including trauma, tumors of the brain, and spinal problems for the past 10 years
  • He is a diligent and accomplished neurosurgeon who has particularly managed skull base problems, endoscopic discectomies, cervical disc problems, spine tumors, spine trauma, spine disc problems, posterior fossa tumors, supratentorial tumors, transsphenoidal surgery, PLIF (posterior lumbar interbody fusion) surgery, etc.

Dr. Jyothi V Shenoy Gynecology

  • Dr. Jyothi V Shenoy is a Consultant Obstetrics & Gynecology at Columbia Asia Hospital in Palam Vihar.
  • fter a successful stint of more than 9 years in UK, she returned to India to join Columbia Asia Hospitals.
  • She has a brilliant experience of 18 years and is an expert in Laparoscopic and Minimal Access Gynecology, Hysteroscopic Surgery and Colposcopy.

Dr. Gururaj S Puranik Orthopedics

  • Dr. Gururaj S Puranik is a specialist in Trauma and Orthopaedics at Columbia Asia Hospital in Yeshwanthpur.
  • He worked in England for 13 years in different Orthopaedic subspecialties including Knee& Hips, Shoulder, Hands, Spine and Foot& Ankle surgery.
  • e is a very well experienced doctor having a work experience of 21 years plus.
  • He is a faculty at various national and international conferences and workshops. He has authored numerous publications and poster presentations.

Dr. Nagendra Kumar Paediatrics

  • Dr. Nagendra Kumar is a highly skilled Pediatric Gastroenterologist at Columbia Asia Hospital, Yeshwantpur.
  • His field covers the entire gastrointestinal tract including the hepatobiliary-pancreatic systems (such as hepatitis, pancreatitis) and nutritional disorders (malabsorption related malnutrition).
  • He is also involved in performing a variety of endoscopic and other diagnostic and therapeutic procedures.
  • Being experienced in treating children for over 7 years, he is sensitive to their needs, cautiously explaining the diagnostic and therapeutic procedures to the care-givers.

Dr. Manohar T Urology

  • Dr. Manohar T is an internationally acclaimed urologist and is adept in performing various laparoscopic procedures for urological disorders including prostate cancer, PUJ obstruction, renal cancer, etc.
  • He has performed more than 700 laparoscopic procedures and close to 10000 procedures for kidney stones.
  • Dr. Manohar is among the few authorities in the field of Minimally Invasive Surgery for genitourinary tract diseases including stones, malignancy and reconstruction.
  • Dr. Manohar has performed more than 6000 laser surgeries and the highest number of RIRS in India.

احصل على رد مجاني من الفريق.

اكتب استفسارك

احصل على خطة علاجية مجانية بما في ذلك تقدير السعر ، ملف تعريف الاستشاري ، إلخ.


احصل على خطة علاجية مجانية شخصية لحالتك الطبية.

احصل على خطة علاجية مجانية تتضمن معلومات مفصلة حول تقديرات تكلفة العلاج ، وطبيب سيعالجك ، ومدة الإقامة والعلاج ، ومعدلات النجاح وما إلى ذلك.

ملف جديد

السيرة الذاتية للمريض


تشخيص طبي

إذا كنت تحمل أي تقارير طبية عن حالتك من أي مستشفى / طبيب في العالم ، فنحن نقبلها جميعًا. عن طريق تحميل التقارير الطبية ، يمكن لأطبائنا / أطبائنا الاطلاع على التقرير على نطاق واسع واقتراح خطة العلاج المناسبة اللازمة لتحسين صحتك. من السهل. فقط اضغط على "إرفاق" واختر الملف.

اضافة تقرير

التقرير المضاف

    لتفاصيل العامة