esthétique internationale

for Jaw Shaping

Jaw Shaping

This is a cosmetic procedure done to correct a patient’s jawline. It is commonly done on patients suffering from bruxism or patient who presents with a complaint of having rectangular or square jawlines thus making one's facial structure to look squarish. Treatment involves Botox injection. Jaw reduction surgeries are available.

Vue d'ensemble

Aujourd'hui, le plus important de la Turquie, le respect et l'esthétique internationale est devenue l'un des principaux groupes de soins de santé, Istanbul, Ankara, Bursa et Izmirin quatre branches avec quatre points de service différents, il continue d'améliorer la qualité de vie des individus des pays nationaux et étrangers. Il investit dans la R & D et des unités de laboratoire, ainsi que les processus de traitement des patients internationaux. Au-delà des attentes des patients transfrontaliers en provenance de notre pays avec le tourisme de santé, un programme de traitement est préparé et ils sont destinés à retourner dans leur pays en paix. Les plans internationaux de l'unité des patients et présente un procédé de traitement privilégié des services de conseil au diagnostic, le traitement, le transport, la traduction et d'hébergement pour les patients venant de l'étranger alors qu'ils sont encore à la maison. Spécialisé dans le domaine de la chirurgie esthétique et l'esthétique médicale par le docteur B. Lorsque vous entrez dans cette porte, vous rencontrerez une compréhension différente et clinique! Dans les détails, vous verrez la mission scientifique, le privilège de l'équipement technologique, le confort de la décoration, la chaleur des êtres humains dans l'intérêt Detaylar. Estetik International Group Health, qui a été au service dans les procédures esthétiques et reconstructives depuis 1999, continue d'ajouter de la valeur à votre vie avec ses centres de chirurgie et de beauté plastique et cosmétiques. En tant qu'institution médicale, la satisfaction de nos patients et de leurs proches est la valeur la plus importante et la mission. Conformément aux budgets que nous consacrons à la qualité et l'amélioration continue, nous nous efforçons toujours d'augmenter nos critères de performance qui sont mesurés en permanence, toujours un peu plus. Nous travaillons pour la valeur de nos employés, l'importance que nous accordons au travail d'équipe et la solidarité, et de veiller à ce que notre Groupe Santé est à un niveau beaucoup mieux avec la conscience d'être un pionnier dans l'avenir. Il investit dans la R & D et des unités de laboratoire, ainsi que les processus de traitement des patients internationaux. Le tourisme de santé en prévision des patients transfrontaliers venant en Turquie plutôt que simplement un programme de traitement est préparé, destiné à retourner en paix dans leur pays. Fournir des services en 7 langues différentes, les plans d'unité internationale des patients et présente un processus privilégié, des services de conseil au diagnostic, le traitement, le transport, la traduction et pick-up de l'aéroport, des arrangements d'hébergement pour les patients qui viennent de l'étranger, alors qu'ils sont encore à la maison.

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coordination de l'assurance maladie

Spa et bien-être



Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery 20 procédures


Also known as tummy task is a cosmetic procedure that is done to make the abdomen firm and thinner. It involves the removal of excess skin and fat from the lower and middle abdomen to tighten the fascia and muscles of the wall of the abdomen. The procedure is sought after by patient with sagging or loose tissue, especially after marked weight loss or pregnancy. Types of Abdominoplasty available include high lateral tummy tuck, floating Abdominoplasty, circumferential Abdominoplasty, extended or partial or complete Abdominoplasty and combined procedure, e.g., with liposuction.

Breast Implants

It is a prosthesis (saline or silicon) used to change the shape, contour, and size of one's breast. It adds volume to ones existing breast thereby creating a fuller chest. They are used in plastic and reconstructive surgeries to rectify congenital problems, restore natural breast mound after mastectomy or cosmetically in breast argumentation procedures.

Breast Lift

Also known as mastopexy .it is a plastic surgery mammoplasty procedure used for raising sagging breast tissue on a lady’s chest by modifying and changing the contour, the elevation, and size of the breasts. Done by women whose breast have changed due to breastfeeding, pregnancy, gravity, aging, heredity and weight fluctuations. The procedure helps rejuvenate one's figure by creating a rest profile that is uplifted and more youthful.

Arm Lift

Also known as Brachioplasty, is a procedure to provided increased contour and reshape the upper arms and at the same time connect the area to the chest wall. Techniques for Brachioplasty included minimal incision Brachioplasty, liposuction of the arm, traditional Brachioplasty, fish-incision Brachioplasty, extended Brachioplasty, superficial fascial system suspension, use of molds and non-excisional Brachioplasty.

Body Lift

This is a plastic surgery procedure done on patients with excess fat, tissues, and fat that linger after a significant weight loss. Depending on the position of the excess skin, patients can choose to undergo lower, mid or upper body lift.

Breast Reconstruction

This is a plastic surgical technique that tries to restore the breasts to a near-normal appearance, size, and shapes following a mastectomy.

Chin Augmentation

This is a surgical procedure that involves the reduction than the addition of surgical implants in a patients chin. The procedure can take the form of argumentation of chins using implants or chin height reduction or rounding of the chin by osteotomy.

Jaw Shaping

This is a cosmetic procedure done to correct a patient’s jawline. It is commonly done on patients suffering from bruxism or patient who presents with a complaint of having rectangular or square jawlines thus making one's facial structure to look squarish. Treatment involves Botox injection. Jaw reduction surgeries are available.


This is a surgical or non-surgical procedure that is done to correct the defects and deformities of the pinna, reconstructed deformed, absent or defective external ear, and consequent to traumatic or congenital conditions.


This is a surgical (plastic and reconstructive) procedure for correcting and reconstructing the nose. It aesthetically improves the nose by resolving congenital disabilities, nasal trauma, a failed primary rhinoplasty, or respiratory impediments and restored nasal functions.

Varicose Veins Treatment

Varicose Veins are enlarged and gnarled vein that appears commonly in the feet and legs. Treatment usually helps though the condition is incurable. Treatment involves using devices like compressing stocking and elastic bandage. Weight loss and physical exercise also help. Medical procedures included sclerothrapy, ambulatory phabectomy, and laser therapy and radiofrequency ablation. Surgery involves vein stripping.

Belt Lipectomy

This is a surgical procedure that is done to reshape a patient’s buttocks, thighs, hips and abdomen. The procedure is actually an extension of the high lateral tension tummy tuck, a concept that Ted Lockwood developed.


This is a plastic surgical procedure that is done to correct clinical conditions (defect, deformity, damage) of the anus and the vagina. The procedure helps to resolve intraoital stenosis, decreased sexual stimulation, vaginismus, damaged perineum, genital warts, dyspareunia, vaginal loosening, vaginal itchiness, and vulvar vestibulitis.

Tummy Tuck or Abdominal Wall Surgery

Abdominal wall surgery is a procedure that improves the appearance of flabby, stretched-out abdominal (belly) muscles and skin. It is also called a tummy tuck. It can range from a simple mini-tummy tuck to more extensive surgery. Abdominal wall surgery is not the same as liposuction, which is another way to remove fat. But, abdominal wall surgery is sometimes combined with liposuction. Your surgery will be done in an operating room in a hospital. You will receive general anesthesia. This will keep you asleep and pain-free during the procedure. The surgery takes 2 to 6 hours. You can expect to stay in the hospital for 1 to 3 days after surgery.

Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is a procedure to enlarge or change the shape of the breasts. Breast augmentation is done by placing implants behind breast tissue or under the chest muscle. An implant is a sac filled with either sterile salt water (saline) or a material called silicone.

Breast Reduction Surgery

Breast reduction is surgery to reduce the size of the breasts. It is done under general anesthesia. This is medicine that keeps you asleep and pain-free. For a breast reduction, the surgeon removes some of the breast tissue and skin. Your nipples may be moved higher to re-position them for cosmetic reasons.

Eyelid Lift (Blepharoplasty)

Eyelid lift surgery is done to repair sagging or drooping upper eyelids (ptosis) and remove excess skin from the eyelids. The surgery is called blepharoplasty. Sagging or drooping eyelids occur with increasing age. Some people are born with droopy eyelids or develop a disease that causes eyelid drooping.

Face lift (Face and neck)

A face-lift (rhytidectomy) is a cosmetic surgical procedure to improve the look of your face and neck. A neck lift (platysmaplasty) is often done as part of a face-lift. You might choose to have a face-lift if your facial skin is beginning to droop, a common occurrence with aging.

Face lift - Face, neck and upper and lower eyelids

A face-lift (rhytidectomy) is a cosmetic surgical procedure to improve the look of your face and neck. A neck lift (platysmaplasty) is often done as part of a face-lift. You might choose to have a face-lift if your facial skin is beginning to droop, a common occurrence with aging. Upper lid blepharoplasty removal of excess skin, and occasionally fat from the upper eyelids in order to refresh the appearance of the eyes. It can be combined with a lower lid blepharoplasty or brow lift to give a more complete rejuvenation to the eyes and upper third of the face.

Cheiloplasty (Lip Reduction)

Cheiloplasty or lip reduction surgery is a cosmetic surgical procedure that helps to treat unusually big, fat or protruding lips.

Dermatology 10 procédures

Acne Scar Treatment

The treatment is carried out under the supervision of a dermatologist. There are various agents available in the market that are used in the management of these scars. However, for good result, the agents should only be used after a dermatology consultation.

Acne Treatment

Acne is an inflammatory papular, pustular, and follicular eruptions involving the pilosebaceous units in the skin. It is treated medical using either local or topical agents by a dermatologist. All drugs used for the management of acne act as Anti-inflammatory, Anti-comedonal and Anti-microbial agents.


This is a type of surgical skin planing procedure. It should only be performed in a hospital by a plastic surgeon or dermatologist. It is done to remove deep-seated acne scars. It is done either under general or local anesthesia.

Warts Removal

Warts are small growths on one’s skin that do not result in any pain. Some normally hurt or itch. There are five types of warts, i.e., genital warts, plantar warts, common warts, flat warts and periungual or sublingual warts. They are caused by HPV virus. They are contagious and can be spread via direct contact. Warts in the skin can be removed by applying cantharidin or salicylic acid. They can also be removed by simply cutting them off or using laser and cryotherapy to remove.

Dermatology Consultation

This is a visit to a skin specialist. The specialist will take your history and your skin lesions or just the general condition of the skin. The doctor will then prepare a treatment plan for you. A dermatological consult can be for cosmetic reasons or management of pathological skin conditions.


This is a non-surgical cosmetic medical involves the multiple injections of homeopathic and pharmaceutical drugs , vitamins , plant extracts and various other ingredients into the skin subcutaneous fat layer. The procedure helps remove excess fat, tighten the skin thus rejuvenating it.

Mole and Skin Lesion Evaluation

This is like dermatological consult aimed at examining moles (benign pigmented lesion o the skin with histologic and clinical picture of malignant melanoma) and other lesion in the skin. This evaluation is important in that potential skin malignancies like malignant melanomas will be captured early and treated.

Excessive Sweating Treatment

Excessive Sweating is also referred to hyperhidrosis. It is more common in those with obesity. It can be a symptom of infections, diabetics, thyroid problem, and side effect of drugs, heart failure, blood cancer, stroke, pregnancy, menopause, alcoholism, rheumatoid arthritis or Parkinsonism. It can be managed by lifestyle changes, use of antiperspirants or iontophoresis or botulinum toxin and surgery.

Mole Removal

Mole (birth mark) is a benign disorder of melanocytes. They occur when these cells grow in cluster instead of spreading throughout in the skin. They darken after sun exposure and pregnancy. They can be removed for medical or aesthetic reasons. There are there methods of removing moles i.e. a punch excision, surgical excisions of larger moles and a shave excision.


A birthmark often appearing as a rubbery, bright red nodule of extra blood vessels. Haemangiomas are seen more frequently among premature infants. A haemangioma is a birthmark that grows during the first year of life and fades over time. It can appear on the face, scalp, chest or back. Most haemangiomas disappear on their own. In rare cases, a haemangioma can interfere with vision or cause other symptoms, and can be treated with drugs or laser surgery.

Hair Restoration 3 procédures

Hair Transplant

This this is a surgical technique that involves moving hair follicles from one area of the body (donor area) to a balding or bald part of the body (recipient area). Commonly used to treat male baldness.

Beard Transplant

This is a method of restoring hair in which the doctor transplants hair, form the beard to the scold using follicular unit extraction (FUE) tools and techniques. It is a popular cosmetic procedure that works for thickening facial hair. The surgeon transplants hair to areas of the client’s face on a case by case basis.

Eyebrow Hair Transplant

This is a procedure that involves moving hair from another part of one’s body and transplanting to the eyebrow area. Hair follicles that are healthy are harvested from the donor site and transferred to create the client’s desired eyebrow

Dentistry Packages 1 procédures

Dentistry Package

This is a collection of dental procedure or treatment that can be done on a patient all at an affordable, inclusive cost. The entire package can be done by a single dentist or a group of dentists.

Cosmetology 7 procédures

Chemical Peel

This is a technique that is used to smoothen and improve one’s skin texture. The most commonly treated skin is the facial skin. The skin can be improved and all scars removed. The technique works by removing the outer most layer of one’s skin. This is accomplished using agents that will injure a controlled injury to the skin which is the given time to heal naturally. The most common chemical agents used include beta hydroxyl acid peels, retinoic acid peels, jessers peel and phenol cotton oil peel.

Laser Tattoo Removal

Tattoos are usually permanent once done. This new technology allows one to get rid of tattoo pigment particles. It does this by heating up this particle and fragmenting them into small pieces. These small particles will them be cleared by the body’s immune system. Tattoo removal by the laser may require several visits to the doctor typically at least seven weeks apart.

Laser Skin Resurfacing

This is a cosmetic procedure that helps to rejuvenate one's skin and diminish the effect of aging, some facial disorders, and the sun. It helps reduce the appearance of imperfections on one's is a convenient, safe and effective procedure. It is quite cost-effective.

Cellulite Treatment

A Cellulite is a dimple lumpy flesh on the hips, thighs, stomach and the buttocks. They occur when deposits of fat push through connective tissue that lies beneath the skin. Some techniques are used to manage these conditions. These include laser treatment, acoustic wave therapy, subcision, vacuum-assisted precise tissue release, carboxytherapy, radiotherapy, ionithermie cellulite reduction treatment; laser-assisted liposuction, ultrasonic liposuction, and endermologie.

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Skin Treatment

This is a new technology currently used by medical and cosmetic practitioners to perform various skin treatment for therapeutic and aesthetic purposes including photo-rejuvenation (e.g., management of sun damage, thread veins, and skin pigmentation), hair removal and dermatologic conditions like acne.

Laser Hair Removal

This is the process of removing unwanted hair by exposing them to a beam of pulses of light that will destroy the hair follicles. The intense heat of the laser will damage these hair follicle inhibiting any future growth.

Skin Tightening Treatment

These is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure that is done to tighten sagging or loose skin and reduce appearance of wrinkles in one’s neck, face and body. Laser skin tightening uses heat energy to stimulate elastin and collagen reduction in deeper layers of the skin thereby gradually improving the skin texture and tone.

Stem Cell 1 procédures

Stem cell therapy for Hair

Stem cell therapy for Hair

Ophthalmology 1 procédures

Lasik Surgery for both eyes

LASIK is the most commonly performed laser eye surgery to treat myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness) and astigmatism.


Spécialistes travaillant avec esthétique internationale

Dr. Bülent Cihantimur Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery

  • Liposculpture avec Lipomatik qui apportera dr.cihantim technique la première fois en Turquie et a été les premiers praticiens (2002).
  • Pratiquer l'oreille esthétique pendant environ 2,5 ans.
  • Techniques d'auto-développés: traitement non chirurgical de Trigger Finger., oreilles oreilles corde Esthétique, Cihantimur huile système de transfert.

Prof. Dr. Contacter Cenk Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery

  • Plus de 50 articles scientifiques dans le domaine de la chirurgie reconstructive.
  • Un pionnier dans l'esthétique d'augmentation mammaire et de l'oreille.
  • Nez Esthétique

Dr. Voir Selçuk de Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery

  • Cours de dissection cadavérique humain chirurgie esthétique mai 2007.
  • Université de la chirurgie médicale Emory et reconstructive formation en chirurgie du sein août 2001..
  • Papiers: traitement de luxation récidivante de la mandibule, 2005, Vienne, Autriche Kahveci, S. aytac, S. Akin, Y. Ozgenel, S. Ozbek congrès nationaux, symposiums, tables rondes, telles que des réunions scientifiques tenues dans le programme, publié dans le texte intégral de l'annonce.

Dr.Medine Kanturk Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery

  • 2012-2014 State Hospital Afyon.
  • 2014-2015 esteticaduo Istanbul.
  • 2015- 2016 Hospital Esentepe
  • 2016- Esthétique internationale

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