مركز مازومار شو الطبي (نارايانا) ، بنغالور

for Surgery


نظرة عامة

مركز مازومار شو الطبي هو مستشفى متعدد التخصصات يضم واحداً من أكبر المراكز العلاجية المتقدمة للسرطان في الهند - مركز مازومار شو للسرطان يحتوي على واحدة من أكبر وحدة زرع نخاع العظم في الهند ، وأحدث المعدات ، وأعضاء هيئة التدريس المشهود لهم دولياً وانتماءاتهم مع مراكز رعاية مرضى السرطان العالمية. تشمل بعض التخصصات الفائقة الأخرى التي يقدمها مركز مازومار شو الطبي معهد علوم الأعصاب ومعهد الكلى ورعاية الكلى ومعهد أمراض الجهاز الهضمي والكبد وطب الأطفال ورعاية الأطفال حديثي الولادة.

غير متأكد من حالتك الطبية والعلاج الذي يناسبك؟

هل أنت غير متأكد من العلاج الأنسب لحالتك الطبية أو ترغب في معرفة المزيد عن المخاطر التي ينطوي عليها العلاج؟ أو هل أنت قلق بشأن الموقع والخدمات ومؤهلات الطبيب المعالج؟ من السهل توضيح كل شكوك. ما عليك سوى مشاركة تفاصيل الاتصال الخاصة بك ، والتحدث إلى خبرائنا أو الحصول على استشارة مجانية عبر الإنترنت ، والحصول على جميع الإجابات عن أسئلتك في أي وقت من الأوقات.

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Ophthalmology 5 الاجراءات

Cataract Surgery

This is a procedure where the lens in one’s eye that has become cloudy (cataract) is removed and replaced with an artificial Len (called IOL or intraocular Len). Cataract is a condition that leads to loss of vision by clouding of one’s natural eye Len that lies behind the pupil and iris. It is performed by an ophthalmologist.

Eyelid Surgery

It is also known as blepharoplasty. It’s a surgical procedure meant to improve the appearance of one's eyelids. It can be performed on the lower lid, upper lids or both. It’s performed by plastic surgeons and helps correct deformities, disfigurations, and defects of the eyelids. It’s used to treat sagging or loose skin that creates a fold and disturb natural contour of the eye, remove fatty deposits that make ones eye puffy, remove bags below the eye, correct drooping lower lid and remove fine wrinkles and excess skins in lower lids.

Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) Treatment

Currently, there is no specific treatment for dry AMD, but the patient can slow their condition by taking minerals and vitamins daily. There are however the wet AMD can be managed with Anti-VEGF drugs which helps decrease the number of abnormal vessels in one’s eye. Laser surgery can also be used to manage it.

Cornea Transplant

This is corneal grafting. It is a surgical procedure where a person’s diseased or damaged cornea is replaced by a corneal tissue that is donated.

Vitrectomy (Retinal Detachment Repair)

Retinal detachment repair is eye surgery to place a retina back into its normal position. The retina is the light-sensitive tissue in the back of the eye. Detachment means that it has pulled away from the layers of tissue around it. Most retinal detachment repair operations are urgent. A detached retina does not get a supply of oxygen. This causes the cells in the area to die, which can lead to blindness. If holes or tears in the retina are found before the retina detaches, the eye doctor can close the holes using a laser.

Gastroenterology 9 الاجراءات


This is a surgical procedure used to remove the gallbladder i.e., pear- shaped organ below the right lobe of the liver where bile is stored. The gallbladder can be removed due to inflammation (cholecystitis), gallstones if it leads to pancreatitis, gallbladder cancer, and biliary colic. The procedure can either be open or laparoscopic. Laparoscopic surgery is minimally invasive and only performed by a laparoscopic surgeon. Currently, advanced laparoscopic surgeries use single incisions, a technique called single incision laparoscopic surgery (SILS) or laparoendoscopic single site surgery.


This is an endoscopic procedure used to examine the colon (large intestine) and the Ileum (the distal sections of the small intestine) using a fiber optic camera or a CCD camera on a flexible tube that is passed via the anus. It helps in the diagnosis of ulcers (e.g., ulcerative colitis, Cohn’s disease), polyps (e.g., HNPCC) and removal or biopsy of suspected lesions of colorectal cancer. It is also used in screening for colorectal cancer. Currently, virtual colonoscopy which is virtually noninvasive is available and uses CT scans or MRI sand to reconstruct its images.


It is a nonsurgical procedure done to examine a person’s gastrointestinal tract. A patient may be anesthetized or fully conscious during the process. It is used in the investigation of gastrointestinal symptoms, confirmation of diagnosis and for treatment purposes, e.g., widening and esophageal stricture. The most commonly performed endoscopic procedure is esophagogastroduodenoscopy (OGD). Endoscopy is also used to examine the respiratory tract (rhinoscopy or bronchoscopy), the ear (otoscope), the urinary tract (cystoscopy) and female reproductive tract (gynoscopy). The technology is also available for use in pregnancy, plastic surgery, orthopedic surgery, endodontic surgeries, endoscopic spinal procedure and endoscopic endonasal surgeries.

Gallstones Treatment

Treatment of gallstones is based on one's symptoms and results of diagnostic procedures. The treatment options include cholecystectomy (surgery to remove the gallbladder) and drugs meant to dissolve the stones.

Liver Transplant (Living Related Donor)

This is the replacement of a diseased liver with a healthy one from a relative.it is recommended as a treatment for an end-stage liver disease or liver failure. The donor and recipient will have to undergo DNA analysis to ensure they are a close match before the procedure is done to minimize the risk of graft rejection.


This is a diagnostic endoscopic procedure. In the process, a flexible thin tube, i.e., an endoscope is inserted into the gullet, stomach, and the duodenum. The endoscope has a camera at its end. The most commonly used terms in hospitals to refer to the procedure are upper GI endoscopy and esophagogastroduodenoscopy (OGD).

Gastroenterology Consultation

A gastroenterologist is a physician that has unique training and experience in the management of liver and gastrointestinal diseases. In a Gastroenterology Consultation, the doctor will examine the patient’s abdomen, possibly do an endoscopic procedure, order appropriate investigations on the patient’s and formulate or review the patient's treatment plan.

Liver Biopsy

This is biopsy taken form the liver. It is a medical procedure that is done to diagnose, assess severity or monitor response to treatment of liver diseases.

Esophageal Cancer Surgery

This is a procedure done to treat cancer of the esophagus. The diseased area is resected. It is commonly done to manage earl stage (stage 1 and 2) esophageal cancer. It can be combine with chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Surgical options available included minimally invasive esophagectomy, open esophagectomy, and endoscopic mucosal resection.

General Surgery 10 الاجراءات

Bone Marrow Transplant (Autologous)

This is a surgical procedure which involves a process where unhealthy bone marrow tissue is replaced with a healthy one. In an autologous transplant, your own blood-forming stem cells are collected. You are then treated with high doses of chemotherapy. The high-dose treatment kills the cancer cells, but it also gets rid of the blood-producing cells that are left in your bone marrow.

Hernia Repair

A hernia is an abnormal protrusion in whole or part, through an OPENING, pathological or anatomically in the walls of its containing cavity, e.g., the abdominal cavity. Hernia Repair procedures involve returning this displaced tissue to their proper place. There are different types of Hernia Repair surgeries, i.e., Herniorrhaphy (tissue repair) and hernioplasty (mesh repair) where a mesh is usually sewn over weakened areas.


This is the surgical excision of one or both the suprarenal glands. It can be performed as laparoscopic or as an open procedure. It is commonly performed on patients with adrenal cancers.


This is the surgical removal of the appendix. It is performed after a patient suffering from acute appendicitis. It can be performed as laparoscopic or as an open procedure.

Diagnostic Laparoscopy

This is a procedure done by a gynecologist to view a woman’s reproductive organs using a laparoscope. A laparoscope is a thin tube that is normally passed through a small cut in the abdomen. It helps the doctor to directly see the fallopian tubes, ovaries, uterus and nearby organs. It can be issued to localize the source of pain, examine body tissues, confirm PID or endometriosis and look for fallopian tube blockage.

Breast Abscess Drainage

This is a minor surgical procedure done to remove pus from female breast abscesses. An incision is made to create an opening through which the abscess is drained. After this, the area left is packed with iodine-soaked gauze, and the patient is given drugs to take and given an appointment to return for a checkup. A recent advance in the procedure is the introduction of percutaneous aspiration under ultrasound guidance.

Liver Resection

This is the surgical removal of a part of the liver. It is a procedure done to manage some types of liver malignancies and metastatic colorectal cancer. The liver tumor must be located in the area under resection.

Umbilical Hernia Repair

An umbilical hernia is a pouch or bulge the forma in the anterior abdominal wall. It arises when part of the intestine push through a weak area in the anterior wall near the umbilicus. The operation aims to fix the hernia. It is done when the hernia gets largest than one inch or is causing a disfigurement or is accompanied by pain.

Nephrectomy (removal of kidney)

This is the surgical removal of a kidney. It is done to manage kidney malignancies as well as other kidney injuries and diseases. It can also be done to remove a healthy kidney for purposes of transplantation from donor.

Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy

In a sleeve gastrectomy, also known as a vertical sleeve gastrectomy or gastric sleeve procedure, the outer margin of the stomach is removed to restrict food intake, leaving a sleeve of stomach, roughly the size and shape of a banana, and the pylorus, the muscle that controls emptying of food from the stomach into the intestine. A sleeve gastrectomy is a purely restrictive procedure. Sleeve gastrectomy - posselt slides. The sleeve gastrectomy, by reducing the size of the stomach, allows the patient to feel full after eating less and taking in fewer calories. The surgery removes that portion of the stomach that produces a hormone that can makes a patient feel hungry. Sleeve gastrectomy is a simpler operation than the gastric bypass procedure because it does not involve rerouting of or re-connection of the intestines. The sleeve gastrectomy, unlike the Lap-band, does not require the use of a banding device to be implanted around a portion of the stomach.

Dentistry 6 الاجراءات

Bone Graft

It is also known as bone transplanting. This is a surgical procedure used to replace a missing bone to repair bone fractures that are complex, fail to heal in right way or pose a substantial health risk to the patient. It is that is used to repair problems with joints or bone, especially from trauma. It is also useful in ensuring that bone grows around an implanted device properly.

Dental Crown

Is a procedure used to install a dental crown after damage. Normally, it requires at least two visits to a dentist. In the first visit, dentist examines the teeth to ensure it can support the crown then starts filling the crown to ensure it can support the crown. The dentist then takes an impression of the teeth and send to the dental lab so that permanent crown is made. In the second visit, the permanent crown is installed. Several types of crowns are available, i.e., porcelain, ceramic, stainless steel, resin, and gold. The procedure can be undertaken for cosmetic reasons or repair damaged the tooth.

Dental Bridge

It is a procedure done by a dentist. A bridge is a fixed dental prosthesis used to replace a missing tooth by permanently joining an artificial tooth with an adjacent dental implant or teeth. There are four type of dental bridges, i.e., cantilever bridge, Maryland Bridge, traditional bridge and implant supported bridges.

Dental Checkup

This is a visit to a dentist. The dentist will carry out an inspection of the teeth and surrounding soft tissue to identify problems one may not be feeling or seeing. People with low risk for dental diseases need to visit a dentist at least once a year while high-risk individuals need 3 to 4 visits a year.


These are orthodontic devices used to straighten and align teeth and possibly position them with regards to a person’s natural bite. It helps improve a person’s cosmetic appearance and general health.

Dental Implant

These are surgical components that are used in dental procedures to create an interface between the jawbone or the skull to support dental prostheses like bridges, facial prostheses, denture, crown or to act just as an orthodontic anchor.

Bariatric Surgery 1 الاجراءات

Bariatric Surgery Consultation

This is a weight loss procedure. Currently, most are performed laparoscopically. These include sleeve gastrostomy, adjustable gastric band, gastric bypass and Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch. This consultation will provide you with details about this procedure and go on to offer details of procedure relevant to thee. We will endeavor to explain to you how the procedures work and how it will help you achieve your desired weight.

Cardiology 10 الاجراءات

Atrial Septal Defect (ASD) Closure

An ASD is a congenital heart defect in the atrial septum that results in leakage oxygen-rich blood from left atrium to the right atrium. This increases the work of workload of the right side of the heart and if not corrected early can lead to heart failure. The defect if small can be corrected by cardiac catheterization usually by a pediatric cardiologist. A large defect often needs open heart procedures.

Cardiac Assessment

This is the systematic examination of a patient’s cardiovascular system with the aim of diagnosing cardiovascular problems. The assessment encompasses taking a comprehensive history of a patient, carrying out a thorough physical examination of a patient and finally doing investigations such as electrocardiogram, echocardiogram, central venous pressure, etc.

Coronary Angiogram

It is a type of cardiac catheterization procedure. It is performed for both interventional and diagnostic purposes. In this procedure, a dye that is radiopaque is injected into the blood vessels of one’s heart. An X-ray machine is then used to take serial images (angiograms) that give a picture of how the blood vessels are. Based on the finding, an interventional cardiologist will open the clogged vessels (angioplasty).

Coronary Angioplasty

Also known as percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) Thais is a procedure that is used to widen narrowed or blocked coronary arteries. The procedure is carried out by an interventional cardiologist. When combined with stenting, it is referred to as percutaneous coronary intervention. Is should be done within thirty minutes to 2 hours after a having a cardiac event.

Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) Surgery

Also referred to as colloquially heart bypass or bypass surgery or coronary artery bypass surgery. It is an operation done restore normal blood flow to obstructed coronary vessels hence used to manage coronary heart disease. The surgery has two main approaches, i.e., diversion of the internal thoracic artery to the left anterior descending artery in the left coronary vessel and using the great saphenous vein to create a connection between the aorta or its branch to the obstructed artery distance to the obstruction.

Cardiology Consultation

This is a hospital checkup and review by a qualified cardiologist. It involves patient assessment, treatment planning, diagnosis and cardiac interventions.

Cardiac CT

This is a painless imaging modality that uses x-rays to take detailed images of one’s heart and its blood vessels. It may or may not be done with intravenous contrast agents. The modern multidetector CT (MDCT) is highly sensitive.

Atrioventricular Fistula Treatment

This is a procedure used to correct abnormal connections between the atria and ventricles of one's heart. The surgery requires the deformity be repaired to ensure that the correct flow of blood in one’s heart is achieved.

Aortic Valve Repair

This is a procedure done to repair or replace aortic valves damaged by disease. Aortic valves are one of the four heart valves that help regulate the flow of blood in the heart. The surgeon will remove the damaged valves and replace them with a prosthetic one which is then screwed into place. The valves can be mechanical (made of artificial materials like carbon) or biological, i.e., from animal or human tissue.

24 Hour Blood Pressure Monitoring

This allows a patient’s blood pressure to be measured at regular intervals (20-30 minutes) over a 24 hour period, whether the patient is asleep or awake. The BP will be measure as one goes about the activities of his daily life. It helps to detect masked hypertension, sustained hypertension and white coat hypertensions. It is also good in situations like BP change due to medication, pregnancy related hypertension, borderline hypertension, fainting episodes and when it is difficult to control BP with drugs.

Diagnostic Imaging 7 الاجراءات

Full Body PET CT Scan

This is an imaging modality that allows physicians to see diseases in one’s body. It utilizes a special dye that has a radioactive tracer. This tracer is injected into one's vein and after that distributed in the body where it’s absorbed by tissues and organs. It helps doctor s to see how well they are working. It measures oxygen use, glucose metabolism, blood flow, etc. It helps show problems at cellular level hence useful in detecting brain disorders, heart problems, central nervous system problems like seizure and memory disorders. It also shows the response to cancer to chemotherapy.

MRI Scan Magnetic Resonance Imaging

This is an imaging modality that used strong radio waves and magnetic field to produce imaged of the internal structure of the body. The scanner itself is a large tube that comprises powerful magnets. One lies inside the tube while getting scanned. The machine can produce two type of images, i.e., T1-weighted and T2-weighted images. Sometimes, contrast is used to enhance the images.

Abdominal Ultrasound

This is a type of medical ultrasonography that is used to visualize anatomical structures of the abdomen. It uses the reflection and transmission of sound waves to visualize internal organs of the body via the wall of the abdomen.

Chest X-Ray

This a radiograph of the chest used to diagnose chest diseases injuries. It is done using an X-ray machine that passes X-rays through the chest into a film to create the image.

CT Scan (Computed Tomography)

This is a modern imaging technique that makes use of that makes use of computed processed X-ray measurements that are taken at different angles to produce tomographic images of specific areas of objects scanned thereby allowing the user to see the internal structure of the object without physically cutting them. It is used in the diagnosis, screening or prevention of diseases.

Diagnostic X-Rays

This is noninvasive imaging modality that involves exposing parts of one’s body to a small dose of ionizing radiation to produce images of inside the body. They are used for investigating patient’s complaints, e.g., chronic cough, abdominal pains, bone injuries and fever.

Abdominal CT Scan

This is a diagnostic radiological imaging test that is done to help detect diseases of the colon, small bowel and other abdominal organs or determine the cause of abdominal pain.it is noninvasive, accurate, fast and painless.

Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) 6 الاجراءات

Cochlear Implant

This is an electronic gadget (device) used to replace the functions of the inner ear when it is damaged. The implant does the work of the Cochlear by generating sound signals for the brain. It is thus useful in persons with profound or moderate hearing loss bilaterally. The device helps one to her better. Cochlear implant surgery is done by ENT Surgeon.

Laryngeal Surgery

These are surgeries done on the larynx to remove various pathologies such as laryngeal cancer, laryngeal papilloma, laryngeal granulomas, etc. Total laryngectomy (open) is the complete removal of the larynx while partial is incomplete removal. This normally depends on the location and stage of cancer. Endoscopic laryngeal surgeries are getting common. Microlaryngeal surgeries are used to operate on one's vocal cord. Laser surgery is a recent addition.


It is a test done to test one’s ability to perceive sound. The machine used to do the test is called an audiometer. It measures ones hearing acuity based on variations in sound tone, pitch, and intensity. It helps grade conduction deafness and rules out sensorineural hearing loss.


This is the surgical removal of part or whole of the thyroid tissue. The Parathyroid gland is usually preserved. It can be partial thyroidectomy where part of the thyroid is preserved, or it can be total thyroidectomy where the whole of the thyroid tissue is removed. It is commonly indicated for lived conditions like goiter, thyroid malignancies, etc.


This is the endoscopic examination of the larynx and the back of the throat. The larynx is part of the throat. The procedure is carried out ear nose and throat specialists. There are two types of laryngoscopy procedures, i.e., direct laryngoscopy and indirect laryngoscopy.

Neck Dissection

This is a surgical procedure in which the fibrofatty content of the neck is removed as a treatment for metastasis to the cervical lymph nodes. Head and neck malignances commonly metastasize to the cervical lymph nodes. There are various surgical options available i.e. radical neck dissection, modified radical neck dissection, selective neck dissection and extended radical neck dissection.

Gynecology 8 الاجراءات

Gynecologic Laparoscopy

It is a new alternative technique to open surgeries. It allows a surgeon to look into one's pelvis. It can be sued to remove adhesions, manage ectopic pregnancies, manage ovarian cysts, hysterectomy, oophorectomy, and myomectomy, do female sterilization (tubal ligation), diagnose & treat endometriosis and cancer investigation and lymph node sampling in cancer treatment.

Cervical Cautery

This is a procedure used to get rid of abnormal (precancerous or cancerous) cells in a woman’s cervix. It is performed by a gynecologist using electricity, corrosive material, laser, heat or cold. Commonly used methods involve cryocauterization or electrocoagulation.

Breast Biopsy

This is a procedure used to obtain a sample of a tumor in the breast for purposes of laboratory and histological analysis. Various breast sampling techniques are available, e.g., FNA, incisional biopsy, excisional biopsy, and core biopsy.

Cervical Biopsy

This is a surgical; procedure where a small amount of tissue is taken out from the cervix. The sample collected is taken to the laboratory for histological analysis to determine whether there is cancer and if present, which type. It is commonly done after abnormalities are detected in a Pap smear or routine pelvic exam including VIA/VILI. There are three types of biopsies, i.e., cone biopsy, endocervical curettage and punch biopsy.

Breast Exam

This is the clinical examination of one's breasts by medical practitioners to check them for any abnormalities. The physical exam is done by the health professional during one's routine medical checkup or when someone has complications related to breast. The exam should only be carried out by a professional trained in breast exam techniques. The results will be complemented either by mammograms or breast ultrasound.


This is the surgical removal of uterine fibroids especially symptomatic ones. The procedure aims to conserve the uterus for possible future deliveries.


This is the surgical removal of the uterus. It is a procedure done by gynecologists. It can either be total (where the entire uterus, fallopian tubes, cervix and upper third of vagina is resected) or partial. The option depend upon the patient choice and the indication for the operation.


Hysteroscopy gets its name from the thin, lighted tool used to view the womb, called a hysteroscope. This tool sends images of the inside of the womb to a video monitor. Before the procedure, you will be given medicine to help you relax and block pain. Sometimes, medicine is given to help you fall asleep. During the procedure the provider places the scope through the vagina and cervix, into the womb, gas or fluid may be placed into the womb so it expands. This helps the provider see the area better and pictures of the womb can be seen on the video screen.


متخصصون للعمل معهم مركز مازومار شو الطبي (نارايانا) ، بنغالور

Dr. Akhila Vasanth Hassan Nephrology Paediatrics

  • Dr. Akhila Vasanth Hassan is a Consultant in General Paediatrics with a Special interest in Paediatric Nephrology at Narayana Health City, Bangalore and has worked in the United Kingdom for 10 years prior to joining this post.
  • She is a member of Karnataka Medical Council, General Medical Council and actively participates in professional development activities.
  • She is experienced in managing General Pediatric and Paediatric Nephrology problems.
  • Management of General Nephrology cases, Nephro - urology problems, Nephrotic syndrome, Acute kidney injury, Chronic kidney disease, Tubulopathy, Hypertension, Renal biopsy, Renal Transplantation

Dr. Anuradha Rao Dermatology Cosmetology

  • She specializes in Dermatology and Cosmetology

Dr. Maneesh S G Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT)

  • Consultant
  • DLO, DNB (ENT),DNB (Otorhinolaryngology)

Dr. Subramanian Kannan Endocrinology

  • Dr. Subramanian Kannan is a consultant Endocrinologist at Mazumdar Shaw Medical Center.
  • He has extensive clinical experience managing patients with Diabetes and has worked as part of multidisciplinary teams for comprehensive patient care.
  • Dr. Kannan is prolific in medical writing and has more than 30 publications in indexed journals to his credit.

Dr. Ashwinikumar Kudari Gastroenterology

  • Senior Consultant
  • MS, MCh
  • Robotic Surgery, Gastroenterology - Surgical

Dr. Gopal Krishna Dash Neurology

  • Consultant
  • MD, DM, PDF

Dr. Kiran M Neurosurgery

  • Senior Consultant
  • MS, MCh, DNB

Dr. Anuradha B S Gynecology

  • Senior Consultant
  • MD, DNB, FNB

Dr. Anilkumar Sapare Paediatrics

  • Consultant
  • He underwent further training at various hospitals including East Kent hospitals, Kent, UK; St. James University hospital, Leeds University hospital, Leicester.
  • He is trained in PICU/NICU at Leeds teaching hospitals and Leicester Royal Infirmary, England.

Dr. Saurabh Bhargava Urology

  • Consultant
  • Urology, Robotic Surgery, Kidney Transplant - Adult

احصل على رد مجاني من الفريق.

اكتب استفسارك

احصل على خطة علاجية مجانية بما في ذلك تقدير السعر ، ملف تعريف الاستشاري ، إلخ.


احصل على خطة علاجية مجانية شخصية لحالتك الطبية.

احصل على خطة علاجية مجانية تتضمن معلومات مفصلة حول تقديرات تكلفة العلاج ، وطبيب سيعالجك ، ومدة الإقامة والعلاج ، ومعدلات النجاح وما إلى ذلك.

ملف جديد

السيرة الذاتية للمريض


تشخيص طبي

إذا كنت تحمل أي تقارير طبية عن حالتك من أي مستشفى / طبيب في العالم ، فنحن نقبلها جميعًا. عن طريق تحميل التقارير الطبية ، يمكن لأطبائنا / أطبائنا الاطلاع على التقرير على نطاق واسع واقتراح خطة العلاج المناسبة اللازمة لتحسين صحتك. من السهل. فقط اضغط على "إرفاق" واختر الملف.

اضافة تقرير

التقرير المضاف

    لتفاصيل العامة