Sharada Ayurveda Medical College Hospital

for Light Therapy

Light Therapy

It is also known as heliotherapy or phototherapy. It consist of exposure to specific wavelengths of light using light emitting diode, dichroic light, fluorescent light or daylight. Techniques include: light boxes, and photodynamic therapy. It is an effective method to treat SAD.

نظرة عامة

Personalized treatments available at Sharada Ayurveda Hospital under following Departments: 1. Kayachikitsa & Panchakarma: General Medicine, Detox & Rejuvenation Dept. 2. Prasooti Tantra & Stree Roga: Obstetrics & Gynecology Dept. 3. Koumarabhritya: Pediatrics Dept. 4. Swasthavrutta & Yoga: Health Specific Diet & Yoga Dept. 5. Shalakya Tantra: Eye & ENT Dept 6. Shalya Tantra: Surgery Dept. 7. Pathyahara: Personalized Diet Dept. 8. Physiotherapy: Physical Therapy Dept. 9. Counseling & Psychotherapy: Mental Health Dept. 10. Dental Department: Dental Treatment (Modern) Dept. Sharada Yoga and Naturopathy Hospital provides rejuvenation, and drug-less treatments for stress management, body-weight management and disease cure & management. Below are the available therapies: 1. Yoga, Pranayama, Mudra & Meditation Therapies  To Balance the Mind & Body and to Regulate the Energy 2. Fasting & Diet Therapy  As Food is the only Medicine 3. Mud Bath Therapy  To Treat Skin, Joints & Muscles 4. Hydrotherapy  To Reactivate the Body Functions 5. Massage Therapy  For Body Stress & Pain 6. Acupressure/Acupuncture  To Balance the Flow of Life-energy 7. Colon Irrigation  To Detoxify the Intestine 8. Chromo Therapy  For Better Health & Harmony 9. Magneto Therapy  To Remove Negative Effects of Diseases 10. Hot Stone Therapy  To Relieve Pain 11. Powder Massage  For Skin Ailments & Relaxation 12. Lifestyle Counseling  To maintain & preserve the good health

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General Surgery 2 الاجراءات

Hernia Repair

A hernia is an abnormal protrusion in whole or part, through an OPENING, pathological or anatomically in the walls of its containing cavity, e.g., the abdominal cavity. Hernia Repair procedures involve returning this displaced tissue to their proper place. There are different types of Hernia Repair surgeries, i.e., Herniorrhaphy (tissue repair) and hernioplasty (mesh repair) where a mesh is usually sewn over weakened areas.

Anal Fistula

An anal fistula is an abnormal connection between the lining on the inside of your anal canal (back passage) and the skin near your anus. Surgery for anal fistula is usually performed under a general anesthesia. The surgery usually takes between a quarter of an hour and half an hour.

Dentistry 5 الاجراءات


This is an endodontic procedure that is done using a microscope hence also referred to as endodontic microsurgery. It is commonly done after a previous root canal procedure which has become infected and the second root retreatment unsuccessful or impossible. In an apicoectomy, the teeth root tip is removed, and then a root end cavity is prepared before being filled with a material that is biocompatible.

Dental Crown

Is a procedure used to install a dental crown after damage. Normally, it requires at least two visits to a dentist. In the first visit, dentist examines the teeth to ensure it can support the crown then starts filling the crown to ensure it can support the crown. The dentist then takes an impression of the teeth and send to the dental lab so that permanent crown is made. In the second visit, the permanent crown is installed. Several types of crowns are available, i.e., porcelain, ceramic, stainless steel, resin, and gold. The procedure can be undertaken for cosmetic reasons or repair damaged the tooth.

Dental Bridge

It is a procedure done by a dentist. A bridge is a fixed dental prosthesis used to replace a missing tooth by permanently joining an artificial tooth with an adjacent dental implant or teeth. There are four type of dental bridges, i.e., cantilever bridge, Maryland Bridge, traditional bridge and implant supported bridges.

Dental Checkup

This is a visit to a dentist. The dentist will carry out an inspection of the teeth and surrounding soft tissue to identify problems one may not be feeling or seeing. People with low risk for dental diseases need to visit a dentist at least once a year while high-risk individuals need 3 to 4 visits a year.

Cosmetic Dentistry Consultation

A cosmetic dentist is a dental practitioner that will help you change your appearance by changing your smile, gum, bite, and teeth. The consultation focuses on improving one's appearance regarding position, size, color, shape, and smile. The consultation helps you get a professional opinion before you make any final decisions.

Gynecology 12 الاجراءات

Cervical Polyp Removal

Cervical polyps are figure –shaped, red smooth growths in one's cervix. They commonly present as abnormal per vaginal bleed. They occur in multiparous women after the age of 20. They are diagnosed during a pelvic exam. There are removed surgically by gently twisting then tying its base before removing via special forceps. A solution then applied to stop any bleed.

Antenatal Care (ANC)

This is a type of preventive health care that aims at providing expectant mothers regular checkups to prevent and treat potential health care problems in the course of pregnancy while at the same time creating awareness on healthy living for the benefit of child and mother.

Bartholin's Cyst Treatment

This is a fluid-filled cyst (swelling) of the Bartholin gland. Treatment involves surgical drainage, warm baths, and antibiotics. Marsupialization can often be done to deal with the problem permanently.

Breast Biopsy

This is a procedure used to obtain a sample of a tumor in the breast for purposes of laboratory and histological analysis. Various breast sampling techniques are available, e.g., FNA, incisional biopsy, excisional biopsy, and core biopsy.

Cervical Cerclage

This is a treatment for cervical insufficiency or incompetence where the cervix shortens and open too early in a pregnancy leading to a pregnancy loss (preterm birth or miscarriage). The most commonly done cervical Cerclage technique is MacDonald’s stitch.

Cervical Biopsy

This is a surgical; procedure where a small amount of tissue is taken out from the cervix. The sample collected is taken to the laboratory for histological analysis to determine whether there is cancer and if present, which type. It is commonly done after abnormalities are detected in a Pap smear or routine pelvic exam including VIA/VILI. There are three types of biopsies, i.e., cone biopsy, endocervical curettage and punch biopsy.

Breast Exam

This is the clinical examination of one's breasts by medical practitioners to check them for any abnormalities. The physical exam is done by the health professional during one's routine medical checkup or when someone has complications related to breast. The exam should only be carried out by a professional trained in breast exam techniques. The results will be complemented either by mammograms or breast ultrasound.


This is the surgical removal of uterine fibroids especially symptomatic ones. The procedure aims to conserve the uterus for possible future deliveries.


This is the surgical removal of the uterus. It is a procedure done by gynecologists. It can either be total (where the entire uterus, fallopian tubes, cervix and upper third of vagina is resected) or partial. The option depend upon the patient choice and the indication for the operation.

Abdominal Myomectomy

Also known as an "open" myomectomy, an abdominal myomectomy is a major surgical procedure. It involves making an incision through the skin on the lower abdomen, known as a "bikini cut," and removing the fibroids from the wall of the uterus. The uterine muscle is then sewn back together using several layers of stitches. You will be asleep during the procedure. Blood loss during the surgery may require a blood transfusion. Some women store their blood before the operation in order to receive their own blood rather than blood from the blood bank. Most women spend two nights in the hospital and four to six weeks recovering at home. After the procedure, you will have a four-inch horizontal scar near your pubic hair or "bikini" line.

Hysteroscopic Myomectomy

Hysteroscopic myomectomy is a technique that can be performed only if fibroids are within or bulging into the uterine cavity (submucosal). This procedure is performed without any incisions and virtually no postoperative discomfort. Anesthesia is needed because the surgery may take one to two hours and would otherwise be uncomfortable. A small telescope, the hysteroscope, is passed through the cervix and the inside of the uterine cavity can be seen. A small camera is attached to the telescope and the view is projected on a video monitor. This magnifies the picture and also allows the physician to perform the surgery while sitting in a comfortable position.

Ovarian Cyst Removal

Ovarian Cyst Removal is a surgery to withdraw cysts (a sac filled with fluid) from one or both of your ovaries. The surgery can be performed as Laparoscopic Surgery or Open Surgery. Most of the surgeons and patients prefer laparoscopic method, nowadays.

Spinal Surgery 4 الاجراءات

Cervical Disc Disease Treatment

The treatment of cervical disc diseases begins when your doctor takes a good history, carries out a physical examination and then order appropriate investigations. The investigations of choice of choice are CT, MRI, and X-rays that will help your doctor localize the problem. Based on this the doctor will decide whether to use the surgical or nonsurgical option. Non-surgical modalities include lifestyle modification, physiotherapy, and analgesia and heat therapy. Surgical option helps one heal fast and include cervical artificial disc replacement and anterior cervical discectomy and fusion (available in India).

Cervical Spondylosis Treatment

The management of this condition involves rehabilitative programs like occupational therapy, physical therapy, and recreational therapy. Surgery is advised when neurologic deficits progress, when there is documented spinal cord or cervical nerve root compression and when the pain becomes intractable.

Spinal Disc Herniation Treatment (slipped disc)

This condition can be managed medically or surgically. Pain is managed using NSAIDs and therapies like physical therapy, stretching and chiropractic techniques are useful. Medical procedures included epidural steroid injection and therapeutic ultrasound. Spine surgery is the definitive management.

Scoliosis Treatment

Scoliosis is a condition where ones spine bend LATERALLY (sideways). It arises commonly before pubertal growth spurts. It can be caused by muscular dystrophy, cerebral palsy or idiopathic. Surgery is the main modality of treatment. Surgical options include scoliosis fusion surgery and anterior scoliosis corrective surgery (VBT).

General Medicine 9 الاجراءات

Hyperbaric Medicine

It is a treatment modality in which the ambient pressure gradient greater than the atmospheric sea pressure is used. It comprises therapeutic recompression (used to manage depression illnesses like air emboli) and hyperbaric oxygen therapy.

Medical Examination

This is the process by which physicians assess the body of a patient for sings disease. In medical practice, it is terms used commonly to refer to is included a clinical examination or physical examination. It is done after a comprehensive history of a patient has been taken. It thus helps in diagnosis and formulating the treatment plan.

Abdominal Examination

This is the physical examination of the abdomen to identify signs of disease; it is done in four stages, i.e., inspection, palpation, percussion, and auscultation.

Female Health Checkup

This is a gynecological procedure used to assess the female reproductive system. It involved a physical exam of the female perineum and possibly a specular exam, Apart from this various imaging and laboratory tests can be ordered to help the doctor make a proper conclusion.

General Medicine Consultation

This is a visit to a physician or general medical practitioner. The doctor will take the patient history and carry out a physical exam of all systems after which proper investigations are done and a treatment plan formulated.

Deep Wound Treatment

A deep wound is one that cuts deeper than a quarter an inch beneath the skin surface. Due to their depth, this wound is likely to involve damage to tendons, major blood vessels, ligaments or internal organs. This can lead to both external and internal bleeding. These wounds require urgent treatment to avoid complications like shock. The bleeding has to be arrested, then cl4ned and properly dressed. Antibiotics and tetanus vaccine must be administered to the patient.


This is the administration of a vaccine to a person to stimulate their immune system thereby developing adaptive immunity against the target pathogen.

Male Health Checkup

This is a collection of tests and medical checks that are be performed on male person. It varies by age groups. They help detect and prevent health problem before they advance into serious health complications. The history of the man will be taken, them he will undergo a physical examination and finally some routine tests performed on him. The tests may include urinalysis, blood samples, stool samples, x-rays of some parts of the body etc.

Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia (HSP) Treatment

HSP is a group of inherited conditions whose primary feature is progressive gait disorder. It presents with contraction and spasticity of the lower limbs. Though the condition has no cure, it can be managed. Regular physical therapy is important to improve and maintain the muscle strength and range of movement.

Neurology 9 الاجراءات

Chronic Cerebrospinal Venous Insufficiency (CCSVI) Treatment

CCSVI is a term used to describe the compromise of blood flow in veins draining the CNS. Failure to treat the condition can, in the long run, predispose one to multiple sclerosis. It is commonly diagnosed using a Trans-cranial Doppler ultrasound, an MRI scan or Doppler sonography. It can be managed by a surgical procedure known as venous angioplasty where a surgeon will insert a balloon to keep veins open, clear a blockage & restore blood flow to spinal cord and brain.

Parkinson's Disease Treatment

The disease is only diagnosed after a proper history then physical and neurological exam. Imaging scans are not diagnostic by only help rule out other disorders. The disease is not curable but can be controlled using drugs like carbidopa-levodopa, dopamine, MAO-B inhibitors and, COMP inhibitors, anticholinergic and amantadine. When surgery is advisee, deep brain stimulation can be done.

Alzheimer's Disease Consultation

This is the evaluation of a patient suffering from dementia and symptoms of Alzheimer's disease. The doctor will assess the patient and prepares an appropriate treatment plan and inform the guardian on hoe w the patient should be cared for, the prognosis and booking future reviews.

Neurological Rehabilitation

This is a physician-supervised program that is designed for patients with trauma, disorders or diseases of the nervous system. The program improves one's functions, reduce symptoms and greatly improve the overall well-being of a patient.

Dementia Management

Dementia is the overall term used to describe a range of clinical conditions that are associated with the decline in one’s memory or thinking skills to the extent that one is unable to perform his/her normal daily life activities. The treatment if Dementia depends on its cause. Once the cause is determined, the condition will improve once the cause is properly managed.

Epilepsy Treatment

Epilepsy is recurrent seizes in one’s brain. The management of epilepsy can be done by drugs, and sometimes devices, dietary changes or surgery. Anticonvulsants are the main stray of treatment. This is however influenced by the type of epilepsy, the age of patient, pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Migraine Treatment

This is a headache of that varies in intensity and is often accompanied by sound and light sensitivity and nausea. The condition can be managed by medications. The drugs can either be pain-relieving or preventive. Pain relieving medications included painkillers, triptans, ergots, anti-nausea drugs, opioids, and glucocorticoids. Preventative medications included cardiovascular drugs, antidepressants, anti-seizure drugs, painkillers, and Botox.

Neurology Consultation

This is an appointment with a neurologist (physician that has subspecialized in neurology) for treatment, diagnosis or management of disorders that affect the nervous system.

Trigeminal Neuralgia Treatment

Trigeminal Neuralgia is a chronic pain in the face arising from disorders that damage cranial nerve V i.e. trigeminal nerve. Treatment included injections (e.g. Botox injection and glycerol injection), medications (anticonvulsants, and antispasmodic agents) and surgery (microvasculer decompression, brain stereotactic radiosurgery). Other include balloon compression and radiofrequency thermal lesioning.

Colorectal Medicine 5 الاجراءات

Anal Abscess Drainage

An abscess is an infectious condition characterized by a pus collection surrounded by tissue inflammation. An Anal Abscess forms around the one's anus. It usually starts in the perianal hair follicles or mucus gland. It is managed by incision and drainage of the abscess.

Anal Cyst Removal

A cyst is a sac that is abnormal containing a gas, semisolid material, and membranous lining. The four types of cysts commonly found in the perianal region include dermoid cyst, anal gland cyst, sacrococcygeal teratoma and epidermoid cyst. Treatment involves surgical excision of the cysts.

Anal Fissure Treatment

This is a crack or linear tear in the distal areas of the anal canal. They involve only the epithelium in the short-term, and the entire mucosal thickens in the long-run. 1st line of treatment is medical and involve stool softeners and stool bulking agents. A laxative is also used to maintain normal bowel movements. 2nd line of treatment is surgical where sphincterotomy is done.

Anal Fistula Surgery

An anal fistula is an abnormal connection between the epithelized surface of the anal canal and the perianal skin. It is usually a sequela of an anal abscess. It rarely heals on it own hence need for surgery. The surgery is carried out under GA. There are several surgical options available, i.e., fistulotomy, advancement flap procedure, Seton technique, LIFT procedure, fibrin glue and bioprosthetic plug.


This is a surgical procedure done to treat hemorrhoids. Patient is given either spinal or general anesthesia and then incisions are made around the hemorrhoid tissue. The swollen veins are then used to prevent bleeding and the entire hemorrhoid removed.

Bariatric Surgery 1 الاجراءات

Gastric Balloon Treatment

This is weight loss treatment modality where a deflated balloon is inserted endoscopically inside one's stomach via the esophagus then filled with a sterile saline solution. It causes a person to feel full faster hence eats less food.

Dermatology 8 الاجراءات

Acne Scar Treatment

The treatment is carried out under the supervision of a dermatologist. There are various agents available in the market that are used in the management of these scars. However, for good result, the agents should only be used after a dermatology consultation.

Acne Treatment

Acne is an inflammatory papular, pustular, and follicular eruptions involving the pilosebaceous units in the skin. It is treated medical using either local or topical agents by a dermatologist. All drugs used for the management of acne act as Anti-inflammatory, Anti-comedonal and Anti-microbial agents.


This is a type of surgical skin planing procedure. It should only be performed in a hospital by a plastic surgeon or dermatologist. It is done to remove deep-seated acne scars. It is done either under general or local anesthesia.

Warts Removal

Warts are small growths on one’s skin that do not result in any pain. Some normally hurt or itch. There are five types of warts, i.e., genital warts, plantar warts, common warts, flat warts and periungual or sublingual warts. They are caused by HPV virus. They are contagious and can be spread via direct contact. Warts in the skin can be removed by applying cantharidin or salicylic acid. They can also be removed by simply cutting them off or using laser and cryotherapy to remove.

Dermatology Consultation

This is a visit to a skin specialist. The specialist will take your history and your skin lesions or just the general condition of the skin. The doctor will then prepare a treatment plan for you. A dermatological consult can be for cosmetic reasons or management of pathological skin conditions.

Mole and Skin Lesion Evaluation

This is like dermatological consult aimed at examining moles (benign pigmented lesion o the skin with histologic and clinical picture of malignant melanoma) and other lesion in the skin. This evaluation is important in that potential skin malignancies like malignant melanomas will be captured early and treated.

Excessive Sweating Treatment

Excessive Sweating is also referred to hyperhidrosis. It is more common in those with obesity. It can be a symptom of infections, diabetics, thyroid problem, and side effect of drugs, heart failure, blood cancer, stroke, pregnancy, menopause, alcoholism, rheumatoid arthritis or Parkinsonism. It can be managed by lifestyle changes, use of antiperspirants or iontophoresis or botulinum toxin and surgery.

Mole Removal

Mole (birth mark) is a benign disorder of melanocytes. They occur when these cells grow in cluster instead of spreading throughout in the skin. They darken after sun exposure and pregnancy. They can be removed for medical or aesthetic reasons. There are there methods of removing moles i.e. a punch excision, surgical excisions of larger moles and a shave excision.

Laboratory Medicine 4 الاجراءات

Blood Test Package

This is a collection of the basic blood tests that are done to provide the physician with information about the overall wellness of a patient. It includes a complete blood count, hemoglobin, hormonal assays, a comprehensive metabolic panel etc.

Blood Tests

These Are tests done on blood samples, i.e., blood work or panel. The blood is usually extracted from a vein in the upper limb using a figure prick or hypodermic needle. It tests for specific components of bold such as cholesterol, glucose tests

Genetic Testing

This is a medical test done to identify changes in proteins, genes or chromosomes. The test result helps to rule out or confirm genetic conditions or determine one's predisposition or chance of propagating the disorder. Genetic Testing is also useful is transplant procedure, proving parenthood of a child or forensic analysis.

Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) Testing

STI treatment require that a proper history of signs and symptoms taken, physical examination done and relevant investigations ordered. A proper treatment plan is then prepared depending on the findings.

Ophthalmology 5 الاجراءات

Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) Treatment

Currently, there is no specific treatment for dry AMD, but the patient can slow their condition by taking minerals and vitamins daily. There are however the wet AMD can be managed with Anti-VEGF drugs which helps decrease the number of abnormal vessels in one’s eye. Laser surgery can also be used to manage it.

Astigmatism Correction

This is type of refractive error in which the eyes don’t focus light evenly on the retina resulting in blurring of vision. It can also lead to night blindness, headaches and eyestrains. The condition is corrected with contact lenses, refractive surgery and eyeglasses.

Ptosis (lazy eye)

Ptosis is a drooping or falling of the upper eyelid. The drooping may be worse after being awake longer when the individual's muscles are tired. This condition is sometimes called "lazy eye", but that term normally refers to the condition amblyopia.

Strabismus (ocular misalignment)

Disorder in which the eyes don't look in exactly the same direction at the same time. Causes of strabismus can include nerve injury or dysfunction of the muscles controlling the eye. The main symptom is eyes that don't look in exactly the same direction at the same time. Crossed eyes can usually be corrected with early treatment. Several treatment options exist to align the eyes. They include special eye wear, use of an eye patch and rarely surgery.


A group of eye conditions that can cause blindness. With all types of glaucoma, the nerve connecting the eye to the brain is damaged, usually due to high eye pressure. The most common type of glaucoma (open-angle glaucoma) often has no symptoms other than slow vision loss. Angle-closure glaucoma, although rare, is a medical emergency and its symptoms include eye pain with nausea and sudden visual disturbance. Treatment includes eye drops, medication and surgery.

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 12 الاجراءات


It is a medical therapy where low temperatures are used generally or locally. It is used to treat a variety of lesions (malignant or benign). Cold substances like liquid nitrogen are used to freeze then remove the lesions.

Decompression Therapy

This is a treatment that is used to relieve pain that is caused by compression of nerve tissue in various parts of the body. It can be surgical or non-surgical. Notable examples include spinal decompression surgery where components of the spine realigned to release pressure ion pinched nerves.


This is the use of electrical energy in medical treatment. The therapy varies in waveforms, effect, and frequencies. Commonly used forms of electrotherapy included deep brain simulators and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation.

Chiropractic Treatment

Chiropractic is a medical profession that is committed to the management of musculoskeletal and nervous system disorders via non-surgical methods. Chiropractors have a special focus on spinal manipulation a treatment of surrounding structures. It is commonly used in the management of lower back pains (acute and chronic). Chiropractic techniques included Garston, Activator, Extremity manipulation, Trigenics, Gonstead, Thompson, Distraction, Korn specifoica, Atlas orthogonal, and diversified techniques.

Manual Therapy

This is a physical treatment that is primarily used by occupational therapists, massage therapists, physical therapists, athletic trainers, osteopathic physicians, osteopaths, and physiotherapist to manage musculoskeletal disability and pain. It incorporates joint mobilization, muscles manipulation, kneading and joint manipulation. There are many styles of manual therapy. This included myotherapy, osteopathy, Rolfing, sotai, shiatsu, massage therapy, bone sitting, anma, acupuncture, bodyworks, etc.

Physical Therapy

This is physiotherapy. It makes use of mechanical movements and force, manual therapy, electrotherapy and exercise therapy. It helps improve the patient’s quality of life via diagnosis, examination, prognosis and physical interventions.

Bone and Joint Screening

These are tests done to detect bone and joint diseases like cancers earlier. The test is commonly done when a patient present with bone and joint complains like pain. A bone screening test is widely used to diagnose osteoporosis. This is done by carrion out a bone mineral test.

Lymphatic Drainage Massage

This is a technique used to help increase the flow of lymph. The increased flow helps improve the immune function and remove harmful substances from tissues which are then neutralized in the lymph nodes. Apart from this, the procedure helps improve healing after surgery, improves breastfeeding, and relax a patient. Manual lymph drainage is the commonly used technique.

Orthopedic Rehabilitation

An Orthopedic Rehabilitation program has many components, including occupational and physical therapy, sports injury rehabilitation, specialized pediatric services and minimally invasive procedures. The therapy aims to treat several conditions that affect the musculoskeletal system. The program restores the strength, motion, and activity after injury.

Knee Brace

This is a medical devices that is fitted into the knee joint to give it support, especially when the person has pain that is emanating from the knee. They are used to provide support to the knee ligaments and the patella while one recovers from injury, to prevent injury, play sports, or to relieve pain in the knee. There are four categories of knee braces available i.e. functional, unloader, prophylactic and rehabilitative braces.

Bobath Concept Therapy

It is used by physiotherapists in the rehabilitation of patients with neurological disorders to promote the motor and sensory pathways and facilitate motor control and normal movement. It aims to improve mobility and movement in patients with damage to the CNS. The concept is based on the brain's ability to reorganize, recover and adapt to changes after neurological damage.

Paraplegia (Leg Paralysis)

Paraplegia is an impairment in motor or sensory function of the lower extremities. It is usually caused by spinal cord injury or a congenital condition that affects the neural (brain) elements of the spinal canal. The area of the spinal canal that is affected in paraplegia is either the thoracic, lumbar, or sacral regions. Common victims of this impairment are veterans or members of the armed forces. If four limbs are affected by paralysis, tetraplegia or quadriplegia is the correct term. If only one limb is affected, the correct term is monoplegia.

Urology 3 الاجراءات

Erectile Dysfunction Treatment

Erectile Dysfunction is the inability of a man to keep or get an erection firm to have sexual intercourse. It is commonly described as important. The condition can be managed medically. 1st the patient has to be evaluated for a treatment plan is made, the plan may incorporate assistive devices like pumps or medications.

Bladder Stone Removal

This is a procedure done to remove renal stones that have formed in the bladder or pound their way into the bladder hence causing obstruction and pain. Various procedures are used to remove the stones, e.g., percutaneous suprapubic crystolitholapaxy and open cystostomy.

Kidney Stones Treatment

The treatment of renal stones included taking a lot of water to help pass these stones and use of painkiller to relive renal colonic pain. Drug used included NSAIDs, diuretics narcotics and urinary retention drugs. Medical procedures that can be done to remove the stones include laser lithotripsy, uteroscopic stone removal and extracorporeal shockwave therapy.

Infectious Diseases 2 الاجراءات

Hepatitis Consultation

This is a visit to a hospital for physician clinical review after exposure to a patient with hepatitis or a previous diagnosis of hepatitis. The visit is meant to monitor treatment and if a first visit is assessed and investigated for your treatment plan to be made. The consultation can also be for purposes of vaccination or medical education.

Hepatitis C Treatment

Hepatitis c is a deadly medical condition. If not managed, managed early, it leads to liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. The treatment can be purely medical or involve surgery. Medical, we use antiviral agents and interferon to manage the condition. The only surgical treatment is a liver transplant. This is performed when one develops and end-stage liver disease. Hematologists are specialists in liver diseases.

Allergology 2 الاجراءات

Allergy Testing

This is a test that involves having blood tests or skin tests to establish if an allergen or a subsistence can trigger an allergic reaction in the patient.

Allergology Consultation

This is a hospital visit by a suspected allergy patient like asthmatics or request for review by allergy specialists. It is important for continuous monitoring of an allergic patient. It involves the evaluation and treatment of immune and allergy diseases. Allergy tests like skin prick testing will be done to identify the causes of allergic reactions in a patient and proper medications administered to the patient. The patient will be counseled on how to avoid potential allergens.

Anesthetics 1 الاجراءات


This is a medical procedure where patients are induced into a temporary state of loss of awareness or may include amnesia, paralysis, unconsciousness or analgesia. It can be local or general. It is normally given before surgical procedures or in the ICU.

Rheumatology 4 الاجراءات

Rheumatoid Arthritis Consultation

This is a visit to a consultant physician rheumatologist. The doctor will assess the patient condition and formulate an appropriate treatment plan the book them for follow up.

Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment

Rheumatoid Arthritis is a chronic inflammatory rheumatologic condition that affects many joints including those of the feet and hand. If not properly managed, it results in gross deformities in one's limbs and severely reduce the quality of one’s life. The condition is diagnosed medically though imaging and lab tests are often needed. Though it has no cure, the condition can be slowed through medical and physiotherapy interventions. The most common drugs used in its management include, corticosteroids, NSAID, immunosuppressive drugs and DMARDs.

Fibromyalgia Treatment

Fibromyalgia is a condition characterized by widespread muscle pain and tenderness accompanied by sleep, mood, fatigue and memory issues. There is no cure, but proper medications and regular physical activity can help patient condition to improve. The condition is managed by a combination of exercise, education, psychotherapy and relaxation techniques. The pain medications and antidepressants help to control the fatigue, anxiety, depression, and pain. Find the best Indian Hospitals for Fibromyalgia treatment here.

Rheumatology Consultation

This is a review of a patient suspected or diagnosed with Rheumatologic disorders such as Rheumatoid arthritis. The patient will undergo a clinical examination and relevant investigations ordered so as to check the patient’s general medical condition. The patient’s medications will also be reviewed and if failing, they will be changed. The consult is done by a consultant Rheumatologist.

Diagnostic Imaging 2 الاجراءات

Chest X-Ray

This a radiograph of the chest used to diagnose chest diseases injuries. It is done using an X-ray machine that passes X-rays through the chest into a film to create the image.

Diagnostic X-Rays

This is noninvasive imaging modality that involves exposing parts of one’s body to a small dose of ionizing radiation to produce images of inside the body. They are used for investigating patient’s complaints, e.g., chronic cough, abdominal pains, bone injuries and fever.

Nephrology 1 الاجراءات

Nephrology Consultation

This is a hospital checkup and review by a qualified nephrologist. It involves patient assessment, treatment planning, diagnosis and interventions such as permanent catheter insertion. Patients with acute or chronic kidney disease will require a frequent check-up by a nephrologist. The doctor will also monitor patients undergoing dialysis.

Complementary and Alternative Medicine 1 الاجراءات


It is a traditional Chinese medical practice. In this technique, the practitioner will stimulate specific areas of the body usually by inserting a needle through the skin. It’s a safe procedure as the practitioners use sterile needles which are single-use needles. It is currently considered a form of alternative medicine.

Podiatric Medicine 1 الاجراءات

Corns and Calluses Treatment

Corns and Calluses are painful regions of the skin that appear between the toes, on the soles of the foot and the hand (hyperkeratosis). Treating this condition involve removing causes of pressure or friction and removing the thickened skin. The podiatrist can cut the thickened skin off. Other modalities include the use of skin care products and salicylic acid.

Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine 2 الاجراءات

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Treatment

COPD is a lung disease that encompasses chronic bronchitis and emphysema. The condition is incurable, but treatment can help. It is thus a lifelong disease. Treatment starts with smoking cessation. Drugs such as bronchodilators, steroids, phosphodiesterase-4 inhibitors, theophylline, and antibiotics are used. Lung therapies include oxygen therapy and pulmonary rehabilitation. Surgical solutions available included lung transplant, bullectomy, and lung volume reduction surgeries.

Tuberculosis (TB) Treatment

TB can either be pulmonary or exra-pulmonary. Treatment of TB is done in two phases it the intensive phase and the continuation phase. The intensive phase is usually a two months period of treatment with rifampicin, ethambutol, isoniazid and pyrazinamide. The continuation phase is usually a seven to eighteen months of treatment with rifampicin and isoniazid. The duration of the continuation phases is dependent of result of sensitivity tests and immune status of patient including comorbidities.

Wellness 3 الاجراءات

Skin Treatment

This is a treatment that is specific to a client’s skin and designed specifically for a particular client by an expert skin therapist. This can be the treatment of aging skin, oily skin, acne, sensitivity and redness, removal of thread vein, sun damage and pigmentation, rosacea, and skin analysis. Advanced Treatment method available included ipixel treatment, oxygen lifting treatment, jetpeel 3v treatment, and laser treatment, Botox and image skincare. Also beauty, treatment is available.

Light Therapy

It is also known as heliotherapy or phototherapy. It consist of exposure to specific wavelengths of light using light emitting diode, dichroic light, fluorescent light or daylight. Techniques include: light boxes, and photodynamic therapy. It is an effective method to treat SAD.


This is the perfect getaway retreat for you when you are looking for some me time and just want to relax and experience the ultimate in spa pampering and savour organic plant based formulas and rich nutrient infused spa cuisine. This spa journey with our restorative collection of regal treatments including daily massages, body polishes, and holistic therapies, will gently melt your stress away and give you a visible transformation. Experience a journey of magnificent treatments for your body and senses combined with the most refined, organic and wild crafted botanical extracts rich in Pranic life force. Experience the best spa packages in India at this luxury wellness resort.

Endocrinology 3 الاجراءات

Diabetes Consultation

This is the review of a newly diagnosed or known diabetic patient by a diabetic care team. The doctors will take the patient history of the condition, carry out physical examinations to detect any diabetic complication, proper carryout investigations like RBS and educated the patient about his condition an, the impotence of drug compliance and possible lifestyle changes that patient will have to implement. The consult may decide to change the patient drugs.

Endocrinology Consultation

This is a review of a patient suspected or diagnosed with endocrinological disorders such as hyperthyroidism. The patient will undergo a clinical examination and relevant investigations ordered to check the patient’s general medical condition. The patient’s medications will also be reviewed, and if failing, they will be changed. The consult can be done to a gynecologic, obstetric, medical, surgical, pediatric or even a psychiatric patient.

Endocrinology Testing

These are tests done to diagnose or rule our Endocrinological disorders. The test measures the level of a certain hormone in the blood, e.g., estrogen, thyroid function test, growth hormone, stimulating follicle hormone, etc.

Gastroenterology 2 الاجراءات

Gastroenterology Consultation

A gastroenterologist is a physician that has unique training and experience in the management of liver and gastrointestinal diseases. In a Gastroenterology Consultation, the doctor will examine the patient’s abdomen, possibly do an endoscopic procedure, order appropriate investigations on the patient’s and formulate or review the patient's treatment plan.

Gastrointestinal Perforation Repair

This is a procedure done to repair a hole in the gastrointestinal tract. It is performed during an exploratory laparotomy where the hole is looked for and the damaged area corrected.

Maxillofacial Surgery 1 الاجراءات

Facial Paralysis Treatment

This treatment aims to improve the function and reduce damages to the facial nerve. The paralysis of the seventh cranial nerve leads to Bell’s palsy. Facial nerve paralysis is managed medically using corticosteroids, antivirals or a combination of both.

Orthopedics 4 الاجراءات

Ankle Fracture Treatment

Ankle fractures can be treated surgically or non-surgically. The method will depend on the degree of injury and the patient’s choice. The non-surgical options include casting and splinting.

Bone Fracture Treatment

Treatment depend on the severity of the fracture, patient choice and cost of treatment. Medically, reduction is done to fix a dislocated or Brocken bone. Devices available to fix fracture include orthopedic casts, splints, elastic bandages, and traction splint. Therapeutic physical therapy and joint manipulation can be done. Surgery included internal and external fixation.

Clubfoot Treatment

Club foot is also known as congenital talipes equinovarus. It is a combination of four thing in one i.e. cavus, adductus, varus and equinus. There are several types of clubfoot. It is a highly disabling condition if not managed early. The condition can be managed Non-operatively by Ponseti technique, Kite technique and French technique. Surgical options included: Posteromedial soft tissue release, Osteotomies, Triple arthrodesis, Achilles tenotomy and JESS.

Abscess Debridement

Abscess is by infectious process that features collection of pus that is surrounded by inflamed tissue. The Debridement entails incision and drainage of the lesion followed by packing then proper dressing of the wound. The patient is then made to undergo a course of antibiotics.

Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery 1 الاجراءات

Varicose Veins Treatment

Varicose Veins are enlarged and gnarled vein that appears commonly in the feet and legs. Treatment usually helps though the condition is incurable. Treatment involves using devices like compressing stocking and elastic bandage. Weight loss and physical exercise also help. Medical procedures included sclerothrapy, ambulatory phabectomy, and laser therapy and radiofrequency ablation. Surgery involves vein stripping.

Tropical medicine 1 الاجراءات

Malaria Treatment

Malarial is the leading killer in many part of Asia and Africa. A patient can present with specific or non-specific symptoms. History of residency or travel to malarial infected regions is important. The management offered will depend on whether it is complicated or uncomplicated. The type of drug used will also be influenced by pregnancy and allergy to some antimalarial.

Physical Therapy 1 الاجراءات

Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF)

This is an advanced form of physical therapy (flexibility training) that incorporates the contraction and stretching of target muscle groups. It improves the strength of muscles and increases flexibility.

Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) 1 الاجراءات

Facial Nerve Paralysis - Nerve Repair

Dynamic and static reconstruction procedures are employed for facial reanimation in patients suffering from facial nerve paralysis. However, dynamic strategies tend to be more successful and fruitful and should be offered to each patient considering reconstruction, unless health risk contraindications exist. The most common approaches for reconstruction are direct facial nerve repair with or without grafting, nerve transfer, cross-facial nerve grafting, and muscle transfer (either regional muscle or free-muscle neurotized transfer)

Ayurveda 64 الاجراءات


Using medicated butter milk Thakradhara is a form of Shirodhara used to relieve tension and improve certain types of skin diseases including psoriasis. A continuous stream of buttermilk is poured between the temples which aids insomnia and stress and helps to improve concentration.


This treatment is useful for eye, nose and ear conditions as well as chronic headaches, spondylitis and insomnia. It also improves vision, memory, mental faculties and dermatological conditions. Medicated oil is applied to the head and body and then poured into a cylindrical cap fitted onto the head. The oil is left inside the cap and slowly drained out. The head, neck and shoulders are then gently rubbed with the oil.


Medicated oil is first applied to the head and body. This is followed by herbal pastes and medicinal herbs applied to the head and covered with green plantain leaf. The paste is then removed and the oil wiped off. Sirolepa improves vision, cures headaches and insomnia and is used in the treatment of stress, anxiety and depression.


Nasyam involves the massage of the face, shoulders and chest with herbal oil after which herbal extracts/oil is inhaled. The area around the nose, chest, palms and feet are then massaged vigorously. It is useful in the treatment allergies, headaches, migraine, sinusitis and other nasal infections.


Medicated powders are made into poultices and used for giving fomentation. It revives the cell of skin and offers glow and vitality. It stimulate nervous system and is helpful in backaches, joint aches, shoulder aches etc. advised in certain kinds of neurological conditions, over weight and obesity, arthritis, some types of acute pains like sciatica and lumbago.

Dhanya Kizhi

Dhanya Kizhi is a treatment of therapeutic sweating in which powdered cereals and pulses are bundled into bolus, warmed and applied all over the body. The body is fomented with linen bundles containing ingredients like cereals, horse gram, black gram, cotton seed etc. It is effective in reducing pain and inflammation in the joints, neck and lower back.


Warm medicated oil is poured continuously on the body by dipping pieces of clean cloth in herbal oil and squeezing them over the skin. The oil is then gently rubbed into the body and removed by wiping with a dry towel or by a warm water bath. It is used in the treatment of musculoskeletal conditions including arthritis, osteoarthritis, lumbago, sciatica and also neuropathy.


Warm medicinal puddings made of rice are applied either to specific parts of the body, or the whole body, to induce sweating. The treatment is used in musculoskeletal diseases, sciatica, high blood pressure and high cholesterol.


Herbal powders in combination with oil or ghee are applied to the body to reduce excess fat, smooth and cleanse the skin and increase firmness to the limbs.

Ela Kizhi

Minced herbal leaves, coconut gratings and lemon, are warmed in medicated oil and bundled into boluses in cotton cloth. These bundles are steamed and the fomentation is patted rhythmically all over the body for sudation. It stimulates nerves and relieves from body pains, stiff joints, back aches and similar ailments. advised in hemiplegia, pain in neck, back and joints, osteon arthritis, arthritis, spondylosis etc.

Njavara Kizhi

This treatment is a contribution from Kerala to Ayurveda and involves fomentation of the body with boluses of a speciality rice known for its medicinal and nourishment value. It is cooked in milk along with a suitable herbal decoction and is very effective for rejuvenation and nourishment. It strengthens tissues, reduces pain and inflammation and is recommended for low back pain, neck pain, rheumatism, arthritis and neuromuscular disorders.


Warm medicated oil is poured continuously on the person’s body while being gently massaged. This Dhara is usually done in four to five postures. It tones, strengthens and deeply rejuvenate the body ensuring better circulation. Highly beneficial in rheumatic complaints. Advised in paralysis, low back ache, neck pain and arthritis hemiplegia, joint stiffness, reducing pain and inflammation, nervous disorders etc.

Ksheera Dhara

This treatment strengthens the tissues, nourishes the skin and generally rejuvenates the body promoting longevity. Medicated milk infused with various herbs is used. It is recommended for those suffering from mental disorders, insomnia, slight or chronic fever, inflammation caused by climacteric and also paralysis.

Choorna Pinda Sveda

Medicinal poultices warmed in herbal oil are used to cause sweating in either the whole body or specific parts of the body. This is a very effective treatment for reducing heaviness of the body and limbs and also for obesity generally.

Kadee Vasthi

A treatment designed for lumbar aches and pains by retention of oil at the lower back in a circular receptacle. Lukewarm medicated oil is slowly poured in to it and kept warm by the oil gently heated in a water bath throughout the procedure. It is specially designed to prevent osteoporosis but also recommended for pain, stiffness, degenerative changes (osteoarthritis) and sciatica.

Greeva Vasty

Bathing the back of neck using warm medicated oil or herbal decoction, this is a rejuvenation therapy for neck pain, shoulder pain and stiffness. Greeva Vasthti is likely to alleviate most types of problems related to the neck. Advised for patients who suffer from frozen shoulder, cervical spondylosis, headache, giddiness and osteoporosis.

Njavara Theppu

A treatment process by which part of the body or whole body is perspired by application of njavara rice pudding. Helps in improving the skin texture and muscle tone. Advised conditions of muscular dystrophy and stiffness.

Patra Pinda Sveda

Warm bundles of medicinal leaves are prepared in neem or castor oil and are used to massage the body. The treatment is very effective in relief of aches and pains, swelling and sports injuries.

Janu Vasthi

A special treatment in which warm medicated oil is retained over the knee joint. It relieves pain and stiffness and eases movement of the knee joint. It also strengthens the joint, muscles and soft tissues and improves circulation. This treatment is advised for knee joint conditions including arthritis, degenerative conditions, tendon injuries and sprains.

Uro Basthi

An effective treatment for asthma Uro Basthi, or Hridaya Basthi, is retention of medicated oil on the chest wall. It is also recommended for other respiratory problems such as bronchiectasis and muscular chest pain around the sternum and also strengthening of the heart.

Netra Tarpanam

Medicated decoction and ghee are retained around the eyes within a border made of medicated herbal dough in order to provide optimum rejuvenation to the eyes. This treatment strengthens the optical nerves, prevents cataracts and gives a cooling effect to the eyes, resulting in improved vision and strengthening of the eye tissues. It is recommended for burning in the eyes, dryness of the eyes, watering eyes, curved eyes, conjunctivitis and myopia.

Thala Pothichil

A paste made of various herbs with buttermilk is applied all over the head. The healing properties of the herbs calm down the nervous system and rejuvenate you. This treatment is indicated for insomnia, headache, hair loss and graying, dandruff, stress relief and certain mental ailments.


The Panchakarma is the most significant treatment for purification and detoxification in Ayurveda. Panchakarma encompasses five therapies: the Vamana, Virechana, Nasya, Vasti, Raktha and the Mokshana. These five therapies collectively help remove deep routed stress and illness causing toxins from the body while balancing the three Doshas (energies that govern all biological functions). The treatment involves daily massages and oil baths, herbal enemas and nasal administrations. Ayurveda recommends Panchakarma as a seasonal treatment for maintaining mental and physical hygiene and balance.


The Snehapanam (internal oleation) is a preparatory procedure for Panchkarma therapies. The effectiveness of the Panchkarma or the purification therapies depends upon the proper mobilization of humors (Doshas) from the periphery (Śākhā) which is to be achieved through this treatment. The therapy involves oral intake of medicated or non-medicated 'Sneha' or oil. Our experts use clarified butter (obtained from cow's milk) mixed /infused with medicinal herbs. Snehapanam is done in the morning after attending to the calls of nature, on an empty stomach. The dosage will depend on the health, age, diagnosed illness and digestive capacity of the patient. The treatment lasts between five and seven days depending on the condition of the patient and the illness being treated.


It is believed that the effects of Abhyangam are similar to those received when one is saturated with love. Abhyanga is infusing the body with 'prana' or vital life force. When we infuse all our cells with love, they are revitalised and energised. It involves massaging of the body with warm oil infused with healing herbs and balancing essential oils. Abhyangam moves ‘Prana’ (vital life force energy) within the body thereby nourishing and revitalizing all body organs. It aids the removal of toxins and stimulates both arterial and lymphatic circulation. It boosts the ability of nutrients to reach starved cells and allows for the removal of stagnant waste.


Virechanam cleanses the Pitta and purifies blood by clearing the toxins from the body. The treatment concentrates on the toxins that are accumulated in the liver and gall bladder and the gastro-intestinal tract. In Virechanam, the vitiated Doshas are eliminated through the rectum. The treatment is given in the morning after the person is given the "Snehapanam" and "Swedanam" for internal lubrication. The person is then given a certain prescribed dose of herbal medicines on an empty stomach. Within 1 to 2 hours, the bowels are emptied expelling all accumulated toxins with it. Virechanam is an excellent rejuvenating detox treatment. Virechanam is used to treat gastrointestinal disorders, skin ailments, gout, splenic disorders, ulcers, IBS, gastritis, intestinal colic, headaches, asthma, indigestion, gynecological disorders, hypertension and stress related ailments.


Snehavasti is one among the five classical detoxification programme (Panchakarma) and specially recommended for Vata disorders. Medicated oils or ghritams are used to administer an oil enema, which nourishes and lubricates the body. The main seat of Vata dosha is the Pakwashaya (large intestine); therefore Vasti, the medicated oil enema, is the main therapy for all Vata disorders such as constipation, neurological ailments, paralysis, flatulence, lower backache, gout, and rheumatism. Sneha Vasti results in nourished and rebuilt Dhatus (body tissues); it strengthens their activities, restores and strengthens the body’s immunity. It is particularly helpful in curing gastric and neurological disorders, acidity, acute and chronic aches, headache and other degenerative disorders.


In Kashayavasti, a herbal decoction made of honey, rock salt, medicated oil and herbs is administered through the anal route. A massage with warm herbal oils is given before the treatment. The treatment is administered as per prescribed dosage under supervision. The body dispels all toxins with the faecal matter. This treatment is particularly helpful in curing gastric and neurological disorders, acidity, acute and chronic aches, headaches, migraines and other degenerative disorders. It is a very effective detox and weight loss procedure.


Hydrotherapy is a time-honored technique that uses water by varying temperature and pressure to stimulate healing and to cleanse toxins. There are many different types of hydrotherapies practiced at Carnoustie including saunas, colonics and simple hot and cold showers. Hydrotherapy increases the circulation of blood and lymph, which increases waste elimination and replenishment of nutrients. It helps in flushing out the toxins and increasing oxygen in the body. Alternating temperatures for example, using the cold plunge after the sauna or steam room mechanically squeezes the toxins out of the body, bringing in vital nutrients and oxygen. Using hydrotherapy in a number of ways can increase the circulation and clearance of our main organs of detoxification: the skin, kidneys, colon, lymphatic system and liver.


Acupressure is based on the concept that life energy flows through ‘meridians’ in the body and that clearing blockages in these meridians with physical pressure can help clear the accumulated toxins from the body and restore the ability of our organs to function optimally. Acupressure is a good supplementary treatment to regulate and tone the liver and the kidneys (major detoxifying organs). It stimulates elimination and release of toxins through the bowels, improves the digestive system, relieves general fatigue and confusion and helps fortify the immune system.

Marma massage

'Marma' is a Sanskrit word meaning hidden or secret. A Marma point is defined as an anatomical site where flesh, veins, arteries, tendons, bones and joints meet. In Ayurveda Marma points are treated as points of vital life force. When imbalances block the movement of free-flowing energy in the body, the resulting stagnation leads to physical and mental discomfort and disease. A professional therapist isolates the Marma points and cleans them out by increasing the blood flow to the affected part of the neuro-muscular junction stimulating the body’s biochemistry to produce neurochemicals and hormones that heal. Marma massage involves a full body massage with warm medicated oil, stimulating or massaging the Marma points on the body. It nourishes and revitalizes internal organs, strengthens muscles and bones, helps remove toxins, balances the Doshas and encourages good sleep.


Thalam is one of the oldest and most popular Ayurvedic treatments for mental abnormalities and neurotic disorders. In this treatment a mixture of medicated oils and herbs is poured into a sealed funneled cap like mechanism and allowed to hold for a specific period of time (20-40 mins) to allow the mixture to be partially absorbed by the scalp. The treatment is known to nourish and rejuvenate the scalp and the brain cells and prevents and cures brain damage. This treatment soothes the ear, nose and throat passages as well as combats mental tension and headaches. It is very effective in curing anxiety disorder, insomnia, migraine, chronic depression and mental stress. It improves memory and concentration.


Udwarthanam is a special dry therapeutic deep tissue massage using herbal powders. The massage uses vigorous upward strokes rubbing the herbal powders on the body with bearable force. The procedure is performed in seven postures. The massage exfoliates the skin, breaks up fatty deposits and energises blood circulation. After completion the person is advised to take rest for 30 minutes, followed by a shower with warm water. The treatment reduces the excess fat accumulated in the subcutaneous tissues, strengthens and tones up the muscles, improves circulation, opens up the body channels (srotus) and releases the toxins. Its principal objective is to increase the metabolic rate, remove cellulite and help in weight reduction.


Gharshana literally means ‘to rub’. Udgarshanam is a dry brushing massage using raw silk gloves that shrinks fat cells, increases circulation and improves lymphatic drainage. It is a traditional Ayurvedic dry massage that refreshes and stimulates the skin and lymphatic system, enhancing blood circulation and the release of accumulated toxins. The massage ends with a few cycles of alternative showers with hot and cold water. This further stimulates the blood circulation and rejuvenates the skin. It enhances vitality through improved metabolism. This treatment is specifically designed for weight loss, cellulite and water retention.

Swedanam Therapy

The word Sweda is derived from Sanskrit swid, meaning 'to sweat or to perspire'. Swedana is a practice of inducing sweat with the help of steam generated from medicated herbal decoctions. The fomentation is done by making the person to sit in a chamber or wooden box where steam emanates from boiling herbal decoction. Sweating opens the pores and rids the body of all impurities through the sweat glands. It thaws the doshas and clears the obstruction of channels of circulation, thus facilitating easy expulsion of faulty doshas. Ayurvedic fomentation is usually given after an oil massage. The treatment balances Vata and Kapha humors in the body, improves digestion, acts on fat deposits, relaxes sore muscles and relieves stress.

Dhanyamla Dhara

'Dhara' means a continuous and constant stream of liquid. Dhanyamla is a special type of treatment, derived from the word meaning cereal (dhanya) and vinegar (amla). Dhanyamla is a specially fermented medicinal mixture of oryza sativa, citrus rotundus, flattend oryza sativa, zingerver officianalis among other special ingredients. This warm mixture is poured over the body in a continuous strain. Dhanyamla is kept lukewarm during the full course of the treatment procedure. The therapy is very effective in kapha-vata predominant conditions. It helps in combating obesity, reduces cholesterol, inflammations and muscular pain and activates nerves.

Rejuvenation Programme (Panchakarma Therapy)

The Panchakarma treatment is famous for its beneficial effects on the overall health and the well-being of an individual. It is a unique detoxification and regeneration programme for body and mind. Panchakarma encompasses five therapies: the Vamana, Virechana, Nasya, Vasti, Raktha and the Mokshana. These five therapies collectively help remove deep routed stress and illness causing toxins from the body while balancing the three Doshas (energies that govern all biological functions). The treatment involves daily massages and oil baths, herbal enemas and nasal administrations. Ayurveda recommends Panchakarma as a seasonal treatment for maintaining mental and physical hygiene and balance.

Slimming Programme (Weight Reduction)

The Ayurveda slimming programme works by increasing metabolism. The programme, which includes medicated steam bath, medication, herbal teas and yoga, works to create a genuine metabolic change. Sedentary lifestyle along with fatty and fried food leads to excess accumulation of body fat which gets deposited in the numerous body channels. This condition is associated with irregular appetite, hypertension, diabetes and many other metabolic disorders. Special weight reduction treatments are included in this package with the purpose to mobilize and cut down excess fat, correct irregular metabolism, and clear the body channels.

Stress Management Programme

Stress is an inevitable part of the modern busy routine. Stress management treatments focus on the impact of the mind on body. This package is an absolute stress reliever which controls depressive tendencies, anxiety, and other psychosomatic disorders. Therapy improves systemic circulation associated with induction of sleep and helps you attains the temperance of mind. Internal medication combined with yoga and classical Ayurvedic treatments like Sirodhara, Thakradhara, Siroabyangam, Uzhichil, Sirovasthy, Nasyam, Sarvangadhara, Pichu, Thalam be highly beneficial for those who are physically and mentally stressed.

Beauty Care Programme

Beauty is the most obvious external manifestation of our overall well-being. Beauty is more than skin-deep according to Ayurveda. It is the most obvious external manifestation of your overall well being. This beauty care package is so designed to detoxify, recover complexion, improve circulation, regulate the discharge of waste materials, restore skin tone and revitalize your inner spirit. Apart from herbs and herbal remedies a wide variety fresh fruits, flowers leave etc are also used in our program and you get purified through treatments like Abyangam, Udwarthana, Lepam, Ksheeradhara, Njavarakihi, Nasyam, Netrasekam, herbal facial, medicated steam bath etc.

Ayurvedic Anti-Ageing Programme

The main goal is to arrest the degeneration of body cells and increase immunity. Rasayana chikitsa or the anti-aging programme starts with a three-week cleansing treatment to eliminate toxins. Only then do the rejuvenation treatments start, with medicines and diet. Based on a person’s constitution or dominant doshas, therapies include pizhichil (massage with lukewarm, medicated oil), pouch massages, different types of uzhichil (massage), and other purifying treatments. The cleansing is followed by a rejuvenation treatment with special creams and oil, backed by a nourishing diet.

Yoga & Meditation

Yoga programs and retreats are completely pure and traditional in form, stemming from the roots of Hatha yoga and adapting it to suit individual needs. It is a disciplined science teaching the techniques encompassing all aspects of life in different ways and levels to balance the mind, body and spirit. Experienced Yoga teachers are trained to understand your personal objectives and goals during your stay. Personalised yoga and meditation programs are designed for you, to assist you through your journey of life, balancing your being and assisting you to achieve health and well being.

Preventive & Regenerative Package

Meant for all, the treatment includes series of bonafide Ayurvedic therapies to heal your doshas so as to regain the perfect well-being and body equation. Lauded as the most compelling natural and preventive way of medicine, the treatment will aid you escape unforeseen ailments, while rejuvenating and restoring the natural health and body, and enhancing longevity. A complete curative conditioning procedure will be undergone and various other curative therapies will be experienced that will be directed towards making the body constructive, formative, tenacious and agile.

Ayurveda Treatment for Sinusitis & Migraine

In Ayurveda, this condition can be correlated to Dushta Pratishyaya, where the main dosha affected is Kapha. It get aggravated and vitiates the Prana Vata (a sub type of Vata), which is mainly present in the respiratory tract. The Ayurvedic approach to sinusitis treatment is multifaceted and can involve a combination detoxification processes through Panchakarma, oral medicines, dietary and life style modifications. Therapies like Nasyam, Lepanam, Thalam, Vamanam, Shirodhara are commonly practiced depending on the dosha predominance and severity. Nasya Karma or Nasyam is a unique and one of the five detoxification therapies mentioned in Ayurveda, highly successful in treating Sinusitis. It is a process in which medicated oil or powder or fresh juice is administered through the nostrils to clear the Kapha accumulated. Recurrence can also be prevented.

Ayurveda Treatment for Eye Care

The treatments used are Netra Tarpana, a rejuvenating treatment for sore eyes using warm ghee; Netra Dhara, a natural way of cleansing the eyes using medicated oils and Netra Lepam relieves various types of eye pain. Treatments like Netra Bandhana, Thulum, Netra Putapaka and Netra Pindi in combination with eye exercises like sunning, palming, eye wash, candle light reading, Snellen chart reading, ball exercises, steaming and application of cold pack relaxes all the muscles of eyes, increases blood circulation to the eyes and softens and maintains the shape of the eyeballs.

Ayurveda Treatment for Bronchial Diseases

Ayurveda calls this disease Kasroga and considers it to be caused by poor digestion. Poor diet, poor digestion and incomplete elimination of wastes lead to formation of ama (mucus) in the lungs. This creates a favorable ground for growth of infecting organisms in the bronchial area. Stress, poor lifestyle, bad circulation, and lack of rejuvenative measures can deteriorate the body’s immune response to invading organisms in the bronchial area. The Ayurvedic treatment of Bronchitis is aimed at simultaneously correcting lung and stomach functions. Herbs are given to ease troubled breathing and expel phlegm. At the same time, Ayurvedic digestive formulas are prescribed to enhance the digestive fire in order to kill pathogens.

Ayurveda Treatment for Rejuvenation & Detoxification

Panchakarma is the traditional form of detoxification of the body and mind that facilitates rejuvenation. It has been utilized for thousands of years as a method of staying healthy, young, and vital. Panchakarma is unlike any other detoxification program; it is fundamentally designed to remove a different form of toxin. While many toxins exist in our environment which accumulate and harm our bodies, Ayurvedic Panchakarma addresses a special toxin called ama which is formed within our own bodies. Ama is the by-product of inadequate digestion. It has the qualities of stickiness and heaviness. In our bodies it clogs our systems and damages our tissues. It is among the most damaging of forces in our bodies and contributes to disease.

Ayurveda Treatment for Nervous Disability

Ayurveda can prove to be a very curative approach in Neurological disorders as it helps in maintaining a healthy balance for the brain. Ayurvedic remedies are primarily focused upon studying the basic behaviour of the disease. Neurological disorders are a result of imbalance caused by an imbalanced vata and influence your brain, spine and central nervous system. The nervous disorders can influence either a single neuron or can affect the whole pathway. Through internal medicines and therapeutic ayurvedia such as Shirodhara, Sirovasti, Nasyam, Pizhichil and Pichu, equilibrium between the doshas is brought back. Yoga and meditation further help nervous system to revitalise and heal. The treatment differs for every patient depending on their problems.

Ayurveda Revitalization & Strengthening Treatment for Cancer

Ayurveda treatment can perhaps help to prevent and treat certain types of cancer, including breast, lung, and colon cancer. Ayurvedic remedies can be helpful for prophylactic, palliative, curative and supportive treatment of cancer. The pain and complications of cancer and its treatment can be ameliorated by making use of Ayurvedic principles. Ayurvedic medicines can help to minimize the adverse effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Ayurvedic treatment for cancer can be used an adjuvant or a co-therapy along with chemotherapy or radiotherapy and even for post-surgery care. The Ayurvedic medicines can reduce the therapeutic dose of the various chemotherapeutic drugs. In patients in whom chemotherapy, radiotherapy or surgery is contra-indicated, Ayurvedic medicines can slow the progress of cancer. Ayurvedic medicines can comfort and improve the quality of life of people with cancer.

Ayurveda Treatment for Cervical Spondyliosis

In Ayurveda, this condition is known as Griva Sandhigata Vata. As the name suggests, the problem is caused by the vitiation of Vata dosha (biohumor associated with Air and Ether). When Vata gets aggravated it causes the depletion of the body’s tissues. The cold and drying qualities of Vata dosha lead to the decrease of the cushioning fluid and connective tissue between the joints that are ruled by Kapha dosha (biohumor associated with Earth and Water). In time, it leads to disc degeneration and eventually brings about spondylosis. Any external massage is not of much use. Violent massage with deep pressure is very harmful for the patient. Only gentle massage over the muscles of the neck and shoulder joints should be applied and for this purpose Mahanarayana taila is best suited. This gentle massage can be given 2-3 times a day. In winter season; this medicated oil should be gently warmed before application.

Ayurveda Treatment for Arthritis

Healthy, flexible joints rely on strong digestion and metabolism. Poor eating habits, weak digestion and stress can allow impurities to accumulate, and build up in the joints. This inhibits joint function, mobility, and comfort. Deep cleansing of the joints and tissues helps relieve immediate symptoms of arthritis. The key to preventing a future build-up of impurities is to create a healthier metabolic system — one that can easily and efficiently eliminate harmful toxins from the body. The raw material for building healthy joints and bones is nutrient plasma. Plasma flows throughout the body — like the sap in a tree — delivering vital nutrients to cells. The body uses these nutrients to build tissues, including joint tissue.

Ayurveda Treatment for Slip Disc

Ayurveda categorized Slip disc as one of diseases caused by vitiation Vata (one of the principle dosha in the body, responsible for the movement and functionality of the body). Treatment in Ayurveda is aimed at restoring the equilibrium through correction of the underlying functional in-equilibrium. Ayurvedic treatments for Slip disc concentrate on bringing back the aggravated vata to the state of equilibrium and thereby to the state of health. The therapies like Abyanga swedam, Nasyam, Pathrapotala swedam, Choornapinda swedam, Pizhichil, Shirodhara, Kadeevasthy, Greevavasthy, Navarakizhi, Vasti etc. are done as per the necessity and condition. These therapies are directed towards relieving the inflammatory changes, releasing the spasms and nerve compressions in the affected area, strengthening the supportive tissues holding the spine, nourishing the joints through improving the circulation. Usually the treatment period is 4 – 5 weeks according to the severity of the disease.

Ayurveda Treatment for Various Skin Diseases

According to Ayurveda, the skin has six layers, found externally as well as stretching out to the more profound levels of the body. A skin disease is established profoundly into different tissues, such as fat, muscles, blood and so forth. Ayurveda dependably tries to find the disease by treating it, particularly as indicated by its cause. The disease being deep seated, it is hard to alter the issue rapidly. Ayurvedic skin treatments may take a couple of weeks to remove the indications.

Ayurveda Treatment for Chronic Back Pain

Balancing vitiated Vata is the best way to treat chronic backache. One of the best Ayurvedic treatments for back pain is Kati Basti (Back oil dough therapy). It is a form of external oleation (Snehana) therapy in Ayurveda. For this ayurveda spine treatment, the patient is made to lie face down. A “dam” made with gram flour dough of four to five inches in diameter is created on the patient’s back (lumbar-sacral area). Medicated oil is poured into this dough ring. When cool, the oil is soaked up using cotton gauze and the process is repeated several times.

Ayurveda for Post Pregnancy Health Program

After delivery, a woman becomes feeble, also empty bodied due to physical and mental stress, and suffers debility related to reproductive organs. The ayurvedic procedure that will be take place only under the supervision of Ayurvedic experts at the centre, would heal you up and aid in restoring your pelvic structure, prop up healthy lactation, reduce your stress, relieve you from neck and back ache. Abhyangam, a complete body massage, will as well be practiced regularly with curative and therapeutic oils to relax your body, revitalise it and enhance immunity. The oils used will vary as per your body constitution and the need.

Ayurveda Treatment for Paralysis

The terms Paksaghata, Paksha Vadha and Ekanga Vata have been used to describe Paralysis in Ayurveda. Ayurveda has mentioned facial paralysis as a separate disease entity called “Ardita vata”. The treatment guidelines for these conditions have been widely enumerated in the classical texts of Ayurveda. In spite of the various treatment modalities available, Ayurveda has proved or stands to be one of the most effective treatment methodologies for the best possible recovery in Paralysis condition. The therapies like Abhyanga swedam, Nasyam, Karna pooranam, Snehapanam, Virechanam, Shiro vasti, Sarvanga dhara (Pizhichil), Pichu, Navarakizhi, Vasti etc. are done as per the necessity and condition for about 4 – 5 weeks. Apart from these Diet & Life style modifications are essential throughout the treatment of Paralysis.

Ayurveda Treatment for Psoriasis

Psoriasis is believed to occur due to vitiation of all the three doshas (Vata, Pitta, Kapha) in varying degree, but predominantly Vata and Kapha according to the Ayurvedic concept. Shodhana chikitsa (Detoxification) done through Panchakarma therapies like Vamana, Virechana, Rakta mokshna etc & an exclusive therapy called Thakra dhara.

Ayurveda Treatment for Facial Paralysis

The best remedy to treat paralysis is to regain the doshic balance and cure aggravated Vata to enhance the regenerative power in the body. Herbal and ayurvedic medication are brought into use to gradually reduce the swelling of the face and hence the pain. Special tablets, choornas and ghee preparations are used to purify blood and to enhance the functioning of brain and augmenting reformation.There would be other restoration and rehabilitation therapies as part of the treatment, which will be looked upon after the consultation by Ayurvedic experts.

Ayurveda Treatment for Diabetes

Ayurveda does not regard Diabetes as a disease that can be treated by mere medicine or by a dietary regimen. Madhumeha is classified as a Maha Rog (Major Disease) because, if not treated in time, it can lead to several complications in the body, including eye problems, joint pains, impotency, kidney failure, sexual and urologic problems, and more. Diabetes is a metabolic disorder and it cannot be merely treated by controlling sugar levels. The treatment recommended in Ayurveda – as against modern medicine – is aimed at rejuvenating the body to not only balance sugar levels, but also ensuring that no further complication is caused.

Ayurveda Treatment for De-Addiction & Rehabilitation from Alcohol/Drugs/Tobacco

Ayurveda by its age-old remedial treatments and medicines would help you overcome from alcohol and tobacco abuse. The detoxification and rehabilitation program includes de-addiction therapies- herbal oil massages, Dhara, Njavarakizhi, Thailam, herbal steam bath, internal medicines which would detoxify your body holistically and will aid in regaining the balance.

Ayurveda Treatment for Spine and Neck

Our Prakruti (Body type) defines our ability to handle - stress, types of diet, exercise or a life style. Ignoring our Prakruti for too long, and following a lifestyle that is not true to our nature leads to Dosha imbalance that manifests itself in the form of various disorders and diseases. Vata types are prone to insomnia, chronic constipation, nervous stomach, anxiety and depression, muscle spasms or cramps, PMS (premenstrual syndrome), irritable bowel, chronic pain, high blood pressure, and arthritis. Pitta types are prone to rashes, acne, heartburn, peptic ulcers, early balding and premature grey hair, poor eyesight, hostility, self -criticism, and heart attacks related to stress. Kapha types are prone to obesity, congested sinuses, chest colds, painful joints, asthma and/or allergies, depression, diabetes, high cholesterol, and chronic sluggishness is the morning. The Shudhikaran program to start with - gets you to understand your true Prakruti. Your appreciation of your true Prakuti is the beginning of adoption of a life style that will lead you to a life of harmony, better health and wellbeing. As a next step, the resident doctors lay out a program to help you restore your dosha imbalance through a combination of Ayurveda programs, dietary discipline, yoga asanas and meditation.

Ayurveda Treatment for Weight Management

Weight Management programme addresses the physical and emotional challenges associated with weight loss. You are guided to increase your exercise activity, in addition to correct dietary controls, offering result driven spa experiences and advice on positive lifestyle changes.

Ayurveda Treatment for Rejuvenation

"Our pace of life and its challenges often leave us exhausted. Our body and mind tells us to slow down and take a break to gather our energies - to ready ourselves to face these challenges once again, and with renewed vigor. We respond to this need by taking a holiday to recharge ourselves and get back to our daily life. But this ‘break’ only acts as a temporary solution, and soon enough we are back to the same state of exhaustion - much faster this time than the last. You actually need a more permanent solution – a solution that truly understands your true nature and helps you in breaking this pattern in your life. Our Sampoorna solution helps you understand your true nature and Prakruti. Your appreciation of your Prakruti will help you break certain lifestyle patterns, which are harmful for you and move to state of permanent energy and wellness. Our program basis your Prakuti first takes you through a process of rejuvenation and detoxification and advises a certain dietary, lifestyle, dhyana (meditation), asana (yoga exercises) discipline, which you are recommended to follow even after you leave Naturoville. You are also be advised to be in touch with one of our experts to act as your mentor in this process, to clarify doubts and maintain a discipline for being the best you can be."

Ayurveda Treatment for Detoxification

Our Prakruti (Body type) defines our ability to handle - stress, types of diet, exercise or a life style. Ignoring our Prakruti for too long, and following a lifestyle that is not true to our nature leads to Dosha imbalance that manifests itself in the form of various disorders and diseases. Vata types are prone to insomnia, chronic constipation, nervous stomach, anxiety and depression, muscle spasms or cramps, PMS (premenstrual syndrome), irritable bowel, chronic pain, high blood pressure, and arthritis. Pitta types are prone to rashes, acne, heartburn, peptic ulcers, early balding and premature grey hair, poor eyesight, hostility, self -criticism, and heart attacks related to stress. Kapha types are prone to obesity, congested sinuses, chest colds, painful joints, asthma and/or allergies, depression, diabetes, high cholesterol, and chronic sluggishness is the morning. Our Shudhikaran program to start with - gets you to understand your true Prakruti. Your appreciation of your true Prakuti is the beginning of adoption of a life style that will lead you to a life of harmony, better health and wellbeing. As a next step, our resident doctors lay out a program to help you restore your dosha imbalance through a combination of Ayurveda programs, dietary discipline, yoga asanas and meditation. An important part of the program will be the Ayurveda treatments as described hereunder. Some or all of these treatments will be administered; depending upon your medical condition and Prakruti. The duration of these procedures will be around 2 hours per day.

Paediatrics 1 الاجراءات

General Paediatrics

Includes Foetal and new-born care, Paediatric Critical Care, Asthma and other respiratory conditions, Paediatric heart conditions including cardiac surgeries, Childhood epilepsy, Food allergies and digestive disorders, Paediatric surgery, Organ transplantation- Liver, Kidney, Bone marrow transplant, Diabetes and renal conditions.

Fitness 1 الاجراءات




متخصصون للعمل معهم Sharada Ayurveda Medical College Hospital

Prof. Dr. Raviganesh Mogra MD(Ayu) Ayurveda

  • Chief Medical Officer(CMO) of Sharada Ayurveda Hospital since its inception. He has 15 years of clinical experience and earlier served at Keraleeya Ayurveda Samajam, Shoranur which is considered to be the world’s first Ayurveda Centre established in the year 1902.

Prof. Dr. Amritha TT MD(Ayu) Ayurveda

  • Senior Consultant | Kayachikitsa Department

Dr. Asha Parvathi MD(Ayu) Ayurveda

  • Senior Consultant | Prasuthi Tantra & Stree Roga Department

Dr. Abhinetri Hegde MD(Ayu) Ayurveda

  • Senior Consultant | Shalya Tantra Department

Dr. Vidyalakshmi T MD(Ayu) Ayurveda

  • Senior Consultant | Shalakya Tantra Department

Dr. Nikhil Chnadran MD(Ayu) Ayurveda

  • Senior Consultant | Panchakarma Department

Dr. Soumya Priyadarshini MD(Ayu) Ayurveda

  • Senior Consultant | Koumarabhritya Department

Dr. Soumya Kotiyan MD(Ayu) Ayurveda

  • Senior Consultant | Swasthavrutta & Yoga Department

Prof. Dr. Rajesh Padekal BNYS Complementary and Alternative Medicine

  • Chief Medical Officer(CMO) of Sharada Yoga & Naturopathy Hospital. Has clinical experience of 24 years having served at SDM Nature Cure College & Hospital, Alvas College of Naturopathy & Yogic Science, Moodabidre. He has established Pranava Yoga & Naturopathy Centre, Mangaluru.

Prof. Dr. Vijayalakshmi BNYS Complementary and Alternative Medicine

  • Medical Superintendent at Sharada Yoga & Naturopathy Hospital

Dr. Vidya Shetty BNYS Complementary and Alternative Medicine

  • Senior Consultant | Yoga & Naturopathy

Dr. Sushmitha BNYS Complementary and Alternative Medicine

  • Senior Consultant | Yoga & Naturopathy

Shreevidya Vikram Psychiatry

  • Counselor & NLP Practitioner

Dr. Nivia Baby BDS Dentistry

  • Dental Surgeon

Sagar Shetty Physical Therapy

  • Physiotherapist

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احصل على خطة علاجية مجانية شخصية لحالتك الطبية.

احصل على خطة علاجية مجانية تتضمن معلومات مفصلة حول تقديرات تكلفة العلاج ، وطبيب سيعالجك ، ومدة الإقامة والعلاج ، ومعدلات النجاح وما إلى ذلك.

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السيرة الذاتية للمريض


تشخيص طبي

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