مستشفى سيمز، تشيناي

for Cochlear Implant

Cochlear Implant

This is an electronic gadget (device) used to replace the functions of the inner ear when it is damaged. The implant does the work of the Cochlear by generating sound signals for the brain. It is thus useful in persons with profound or moderate hearing loss bilaterally. The device helps one to her better. Cochlear implant surgery is done by ENT Surgeon.

نظرة عامة

تقدم مستشفى SIMS - فادابالاني، تشيناي خدمات رعاية صحية متقدّمة في مجموعة من التخصصات، وتعمل المستشفى قريبا لإضافة خدمة زرع أعضاء متعددة. من خلال أفضل مزيج من الخبرة والخبرات والتكنولوجيا الحديثة والعمل الجماعي الجيد للمرضى المتمركزين على المرضى، تهدف كل خطوة إلى ضمان التميز في رعاية المرضى. تسعى المستشفى جاهدة إلى بناء الثقة والتميز، على خطى مجموعة SRM - مجموعة كبيرة مع وجود رائد في التعليم والطب والنقل والترفيه. تتمثل رؤية مستشفى SIMS - فادابالاني، تشيناي في تقديم مجموعة كاملة متطورة من خدمات الرعاية الطبية للرعاية الصحية الأولية والتخصصية بالإضافة إلى تمكين استشارة متخصصة لتجربة طبية لا مثيل لها. مستشفى SIMS - فادابالاني، تشيناي هي واحدة من أسرع مستشفيات الرعاية التخصصية المتعددة الفائقة نموًا في الهند، موزعة على 2،30،000 قدم مربع. رعاية. تم تصميم المرافق وتجهيزها لتلبية الاحتياجات المميزة لكل من المرضى المحليين والدوليين. تم تصميم غرف المرضى بجميع وسائل الراحة الحديثة. يتمتع المرضى وأفراد الأسرة ببيئة هادئة توفر لهم الخصوصية والمساحة، مما يمنحهم تجربة جديدة في صناعة الرعاية الصحية.

غير متأكد من حالتك الطبية والعلاج الذي يناسبك؟

هل أنت غير متأكد من العلاج الأنسب لحالتك الطبية أو ترغب في معرفة المزيد عن المخاطر التي ينطوي عليها العلاج؟ أو هل أنت قلق بشأن الموقع والخدمات ومؤهلات الطبيب المعالج؟ من السهل توضيح كل شكوك. ما عليك سوى مشاركة تفاصيل الاتصال الخاصة بك ، والتحدث إلى خبرائنا أو الحصول على استشارة مجانية عبر الإنترنت ، والحصول على جميع الإجابات عن أسئلتك في أي وقت من الأوقات.

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Ophthalmology 3 الاجراءات

Cataract Surgery

This is a procedure where the lens in one’s eye that has become cloudy (cataract) is removed and replaced with an artificial Len (called IOL or intraocular Len). Cataract is a condition that leads to loss of vision by clouding of one’s natural eye Len that lies behind the pupil and iris. It is performed by an ophthalmologist.

Detached Retina Treatment

The retinal detachment is an emergency condition where the pulls from the bold vessel that supply it with nutrients and oxygen. It’s accompanied by floaters (cobwebs or specks) and flashes in one's vision. If not fixed leads to blindness. The condition can be managed via various treatment modalities by an ophthalmologist. The notable procedures include vitrectomy, pneumatic retinopexy and scleral buckle procedure.

Eyelid Surgery

It is also known as blepharoplasty. It’s a surgical procedure meant to improve the appearance of one's eyelids. It can be performed on the lower lid, upper lids or both. It’s performed by plastic surgeons and helps correct deformities, disfigurations, and defects of the eyelids. It’s used to treat sagging or loose skin that creates a fold and disturb natural contour of the eye, remove fatty deposits that make ones eye puffy, remove bags below the eye, correct drooping lower lid and remove fine wrinkles and excess skins in lower lids.

Gastroenterology 3 الاجراءات


This is a surgical procedure used to remove the gallbladder i.e., pear- shaped organ below the right lobe of the liver where bile is stored. The gallbladder can be removed due to inflammation (cholecystitis), gallstones if it leads to pancreatitis, gallbladder cancer, and biliary colic. The procedure can either be open or laparoscopic. Laparoscopic surgery is minimally invasive and only performed by a laparoscopic surgeon. Currently, advanced laparoscopic surgeries use single incisions, a technique called single incision laparoscopic surgery (SILS) or laparoendoscopic single site surgery.


This is an endoscopic procedure used to examine the colon (large intestine) and the Ileum (the distal sections of the small intestine) using a fiber optic camera or a CCD camera on a flexible tube that is passed via the anus. It helps in the diagnosis of ulcers (e.g., ulcerative colitis, Cohn’s disease), polyps (e.g., HNPCC) and removal or biopsy of suspected lesions of colorectal cancer. It is also used in screening for colorectal cancer. Currently, virtual colonoscopy which is virtually noninvasive is available and uses CT scans or MRI sand to reconstruct its images.


It is a nonsurgical procedure done to examine a person’s gastrointestinal tract. A patient may be anesthetized or fully conscious during the process. It is used in the investigation of gastrointestinal symptoms, confirmation of diagnosis and for treatment purposes, e.g., widening and esophageal stricture. The most commonly performed endoscopic procedure is esophagogastroduodenoscopy (OGD). Endoscopy is also used to examine the respiratory tract (rhinoscopy or bronchoscopy), the ear (otoscope), the urinary tract (cystoscopy) and female reproductive tract (gynoscopy). The technology is also available for use in pregnancy, plastic surgery, orthopedic surgery, endodontic surgeries, endoscopic spinal procedure and endoscopic endonasal surgeries.

General Surgery 3 الاجراءات

Bone Marrow Transplant (Autologous)

This is a surgical procedure which involves a process where unhealthy bone marrow tissue is replaced with a healthy one. In an autologous transplant, your own blood-forming stem cells are collected. You are then treated with high doses of chemotherapy. The high-dose treatment kills the cancer cells, but it also gets rid of the blood-producing cells that are left in your bone marrow.

Hernia Repair

A hernia is an abnormal protrusion in whole or part, through an OPENING, pathological or anatomically in the walls of its containing cavity, e.g., the abdominal cavity. Hernia Repair procedures involve returning this displaced tissue to their proper place. There are different types of Hernia Repair surgeries, i.e., Herniorrhaphy (tissue repair) and hernioplasty (mesh repair) where a mesh is usually sewn over weakened areas.


This is the surgical removal either wholly or partially one or both breasts. It is carried out to treat breast cancer. It can be carried out prophylactically in case a patient has a high risk of breast malignancy. There are five types of mastectomies being practiced today, i.e., radical mastectomy, subcutaneous (nipple- sparing) mastectomy, partial mastectomy, modified radical mastectomy and “total” or “simple” mastectomy.

Dentistry 3 الاجراءات


This is an endodontic procedure that is done using a microscope hence also referred to as endodontic microsurgery. It is commonly done after a previous root canal procedure which has become infected and the second root retreatment unsuccessful or impossible. In an apicoectomy, the teeth root tip is removed, and then a root end cavity is prepared before being filled with a material that is biocompatible.

Bone Graft

It is also known as bone transplanting. This is a surgical procedure used to replace a missing bone to repair bone fractures that are complex, fail to heal in right way or pose a substantial health risk to the patient. It is that is used to repair problems with joints or bone, especially from trauma. It is also useful in ensuring that bone grows around an implanted device properly.

Dental Crown

Is a procedure used to install a dental crown after damage. Normally, it requires at least two visits to a dentist. In the first visit, dentist examines the teeth to ensure it can support the crown then starts filling the crown to ensure it can support the crown. The dentist then takes an impression of the teeth and send to the dental lab so that permanent crown is made. In the second visit, the permanent crown is installed. Several types of crowns are available, i.e., porcelain, ceramic, stainless steel, resin, and gold. The procedure can be undertaken for cosmetic reasons or repair damaged the tooth.

Bariatric Surgery 3 الاجراءات

Bariatric Surgery Consultation

This is a weight loss procedure. Currently, most are performed laparoscopically. These include sleeve gastrostomy, adjustable gastric band, gastric bypass and Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch. This consultation will provide you with details about this procedure and go on to offer details of procedure relevant to thee. We will endeavor to explain to you how the procedures work and how it will help you achieve your desired weight.

Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch (BPD/DS)

Its a procedure similar to a gastric bypass. It involves creating a small stomach pouch then rerouting the intestines. The procedure has several advantages and some disadvantages. In this procedure, surgeons create a small stomach and rest of stomach removed. The small bowel is then divided into two parts. The end of the small bowel is connected to the stomach so that food passes directly from the small stomach to it and the bypassed piece that contains bile and important digestive enzymes connected to last part of the ileum. Food and the enzymes will meet in this area where digestion takes place. The patients thus digest efficiently and eat less food. This leads to weight loss and correction of metabolic syndrome.

Gastric Band Surgery

This is a weight loss surgery. In it, the surgeon places a band around the upper part of one's stomach hence creating a small pouch to hold food. The band will help limit the quantity of food one can take by making one feel early satiety after consuming small food. The procedure is currently performed laparoscopically.

Cardiology 3 الاجراءات

Atrial Septal Defect (ASD) Closure

An ASD is a congenital heart defect in the atrial septum that results in leakage oxygen-rich blood from left atrium to the right atrium. This increases the work of workload of the right side of the heart and if not corrected early can lead to heart failure. The defect if small can be corrected by cardiac catheterization usually by a pediatric cardiologist. A large defect often needs open heart procedures.

Cardiac Assessment

This is the systematic examination of a patient’s cardiovascular system with the aim of diagnosing cardiovascular problems. The assessment encompasses taking a comprehensive history of a patient, carrying out a thorough physical examination of a patient and finally doing investigations such as electrocardiogram, echocardiogram, central venous pressure, etc.

Coronary Angiogram

It is a type of cardiac catheterization procedure. It is performed for both interventional and diagnostic purposes. In this procedure, a dye that is radiopaque is injected into the blood vessels of one’s heart. An X-ray machine is then used to take serial images (angiograms) that give a picture of how the blood vessels are. Based on the finding, an interventional cardiologist will open the clogged vessels (angioplasty).

Diagnostic Imaging 2 الاجراءات

Full Body PET CT Scan

This is an imaging modality that allows physicians to see diseases in one’s body. It utilizes a special dye that has a radioactive tracer. This tracer is injected into one's vein and after that distributed in the body where it’s absorbed by tissues and organs. It helps doctor s to see how well they are working. It measures oxygen use, glucose metabolism, blood flow, etc. It helps show problems at cellular level hence useful in detecting brain disorders, heart problems, central nervous system problems like seizure and memory disorders. It also shows the response to cancer to chemotherapy.

MRI Scan Magnetic Resonance Imaging

This is an imaging modality that used strong radio waves and magnetic field to produce imaged of the internal structure of the body. The scanner itself is a large tube that comprises powerful magnets. One lies inside the tube while getting scanned. The machine can produce two type of images, i.e., T1-weighted and T2-weighted images. Sometimes, contrast is used to enhance the images.

Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) 3 الاجراءات


This is a surgical procedure used to remove the adenoids (lymphoid tissue in the nasopharynx) when they are enlarged hence causing recurrent earache, chronic infections or impaired breathing via the nose. It is performed by an otolaryngologist.

Cochlear Implant

This is an electronic gadget (device) used to replace the functions of the inner ear when it is damaged. The implant does the work of the Cochlear by generating sound signals for the brain. It is thus useful in persons with profound or moderate hearing loss bilaterally. The device helps one to her better. Cochlear implant surgery is done by ENT Surgeon.

Laryngeal Surgery

These are surgeries done on the larynx to remove various pathologies such as laryngeal cancer, laryngeal papilloma, laryngeal granulomas, etc. Total laryngectomy (open) is the complete removal of the larynx while partial is incomplete removal. This normally depends on the location and stage of cancer. Endoscopic laryngeal surgeries are getting common. Microlaryngeal surgeries are used to operate on one's vocal cord. Laser surgery is a recent addition.

Gynecology 3 الاجراءات

Cervical Polyp Removal

Cervical polyps are figure –shaped, red smooth growths in one's cervix. They commonly present as abnormal per vaginal bleed. They occur in multiparous women after the age of 20. They are diagnosed during a pelvic exam. There are removed surgically by gently twisting then tying its base before removing via special forceps. A solution then applied to stop any bleed.

Endometrial Ablation

This is a procedure where the gynecologist surgical destroys the uterine endometrium. Various tools are utilized during the procedure. These may include heated fluid, high energy radio frequencies, extreme cold and microwave energy. Goal is to treat abnormal uterine bleeding by reducing one's menstrual flow.

Gynecologic Laparoscopy

It is a new alternative technique to open surgeries. It allows a surgeon to look into one's pelvis. It can be sued to remove adhesions, manage ectopic pregnancies, manage ovarian cysts, hysterectomy, oophorectomy, and myomectomy, do female sterilization (tubal ligation), diagnose & treat endometriosis and cancer investigation and lymph node sampling in cancer treatment.

Neurosurgery 3 الاجراءات


These are a surgical procedure where bone flaps are temporarily removed from the skull to give access to the brain. The bone flaps are created by specialized tools. Sometimes it’s done under the guidance of CT scans or MRI scans to localize the areas of treatment (stereotactic Craniotomy). A craniotomy is used in stereotactic biopsy of the brain, stereotactic radiosurgery & stereotactic aspiration of hematomas, cysts or abscesses. A craniotomy is also useful in aneurysmal clipping and removal of brain tumors. Are of various types, i.e., translabarynthine Craniotomy, retro-sigmoid Craniotomy, extended bifrontal Craniotomy and supra-orbital Craniotomy.

Peripheral Nerve Surgery

This is practiced by surgeons from various backgrounds with expertise in plastic and reconstructive surgery, neurology, pain medicine, and orthopedics hence the need for a multidisciplinary care. The surgeries included entrapment neuropathies, nerve sheath tumors like schwannomas and acute nerve injuries.

Subdural Hematoma (SDH) Surgery

SDH is an intracranial hemorrhage that takes place beneath the meningeal Dura matter and may be associated with other traumatic brain injuries. They can be spontaneous, iatrogenic like from lumbar punctures or traumatic. SDH can be acute or chronic. SDH surgery involves a craniotomy to decompress brain tissue, stop active bleeding and possibly evacuate the hematoma.

Oncology 1 الاجراءات

Breast Cancer Treatment

Treatment of breast cancer depends on the stage. The treatment may involve radiotherapy, surgery or medications. The types of surgeries used included mastectomy (radical mastectomy or simple mastectomy, modified radical mastectomy, patery modified radical mastectomy), breast-conserving surgery, lumpectomy and lymph node dissection. Medical therapy involves chemotherapy for breast cancer or systemic hormonal therapy like tamoxifen.


متخصصون للعمل معهم مستشفى سيمز، تشيناي

Dr. Bashi V Velayudhan Cardiology

  • He has over 35 years of experience.
  • Over 15,000 surgeries , including 12,000 Coronary Artery Bypass Graft surgeries
  • Pioneered beating heart bypass surgery and arterial grafting.
  • Complex Aortic Aneurysm surgeries – aneurysm surgeries, Aortic root replacements, Aortic Arch replacements, Thoracic and Thoraco-abdominal aortic operations, hybrid procedures of the Aortic Arch and Thoraco-Abdominal Aorta
  • Fellow of American College of Surgeons

Dr. Sanjeev Mohanty Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT)

  • Dr Sanjeev Mohanty is a dedicated professional with 25 years of experience in ENT and Head & Neck surgery
  • He has been trained in Endoscopic Sinus Surgery, Skull base , Cochlear Implantation in New York, Head and Neck Cancer Surgery at the Memorial Sloan –Kettering, Otology/ Neurotology in Germany, Advanced Endoscopic Sinus surgery, Aesthetic surgery of the face, Advanced Otology and Cochlear Implantation in UK and Head Neck Surgery at Tata Memorial Centre, Mumbai are a few to mention.
  • He has delivered numerous guest lectures in various International platforms and performed live surgical demonstrations in both national and international conferences.
  • He has numerous publications in indexed international and national journals of repute.

Dr. K R Suresh Bapu Neurosurgery

  • Dr Suresh Bapu has done his MBBS and MS from Madurai Medical College.
  • Before joining SIMS Hospital he was working as Additional Professor of Neuro Surgery, Madras Medical College, Chennai and he was a visiting consultant at Apollo Specialty Hospital
  • He undergone training at Switzerland USA and Japan for neurosurgery.
  • Special training in Micro Neurosurgery of brain tumors, Aneurysms and A V Malformations.
  • His area of expertise are Endoscopic skull base, Endoscopic intracranial surgery, Cerebrovascular surgery and cerebello-pontine angle tumor surgery

Dr. Clement Joseph Orthopedics

  • Dr. Clement Joseph is one of the most distinguished and recognized practitioners in the orthopaedics discipline of medicine with specific reference to problems related to the musculoskeletal system concerned with correction of spinal and bony deformities in children as well as adults.
  • Having been trained in some of the premier institutions for arthroscopy in the world and a practice spanning over a number of years, doctor is a renowned specialist in the field.
  • He has performed extensive number of knee replacement surgeries and conducts physiotherapy sessions to restore movement in post- operative period.
  • His area of expertise are Arthroscopy of Knee, Shoulder, Hip, Ankle & wrist Orthobiologics – Stem cells and PRP therapy in Sports injuries Cartilage Restorative procedures, Allografts Shoulder trauma and Arthoroplasty

Dr. B S Ramakrishna Gastroenterology

  • Dr. Ramakrishna graduated in medicine from the Christian Medical College Vellore, joined the faculty of that institution, and retired as the Head of the Department of Gastrointestinal Sciences
  • He also worked for several years abroad, in Australia, Bahrain and the USA.
  • Inflammatory bowel disease
  • Pancreatitis
  • Therapeutic ERCP

Dr Ranjan Kumar Mohapatra Oncology

  • A renowned Medical Oncologist and Bone Marrow Transplant specialist with more than 20 years of experience as cancer care specialist & Bone Marrow Transplant consultant in Chennai prior to joining SIMS Hospital.
  • He is one of the pioneers in starting BMT program as of 1995
  • His area of expertise are Haemato oncology, Bone Marrow Transplant, Solid tumor

Dr. P Madhu Paediatrics

  • Dr Madhu Prurushothaman has completed his MBBS from Madras Medical College, Chennai
  • He completed his pediatric residency training at Brookdale University hospital in Brooklyn, New York and Fellowship training at Harvard Medical School and children hospital Boston.

Dr. Sangeetha Sankaranarayanan Psychiatry

  • Dr Sangeetha has completed her training as a psychiatrist in UK after her MD in General Medicine.
  • She has more than 10 years of experience of working in various psychiatric sub-specialties such as Adult psychiatry, child&adolescence psychiatry, psychiatry for elderly, forensic psychiatry and substance abuse.
  • Neuro psychiatric conditions
  • Depression / Anxiety/OCD/ Bipolar Disorder
  • Schizophrenia / psychotic illness

Dr. P. M. Gopinath Gynecology

  • Dr P M Gopinath completed his MBBS & MD (O & G) from Kilpauk Medical College,Chennai.
  • He also underwent training for IVF and Transvaginal from Royal Norhtshore Hospital, Sydney &Sonography from Flinders Medical Center, Adelaide.
  • He is trained in Endoscopy from Germany and France.
  • Endoscopy both Laparoscopy and Hysteroscopy
  • Thermal Ablation
  • Colposcopy

Dr. Prativa Misra Ophthalmology

  • Dr Prativa Misra has completed her MBBS from SCB Medical College, Cuttack, M.S Ophthalmology from MKCG Medical College, Berhampur.
  • She also got trained in Medical Retina at Nagpal Eye Institute, Ahmedabad.
  • She did her fellowship from Shankaranetralaya, Chennai
  • Anterior Segment especially Phaco Surgery & Medical Retina
  • Diabetic Retinopathy
  • LASER Surgery

احصل على رد مجاني من الفريق.

اكتب استفسارك

احصل على خطة علاجية مجانية بما في ذلك تقدير السعر ، ملف تعريف الاستشاري ، إلخ.


احصل على خطة علاجية مجانية شخصية لحالتك الطبية.

احصل على خطة علاجية مجانية تتضمن معلومات مفصلة حول تقديرات تكلفة العلاج ، وطبيب سيعالجك ، ومدة الإقامة والعلاج ، ومعدلات النجاح وما إلى ذلك.

ملف جديد

السيرة الذاتية للمريض


تشخيص طبي

إذا كنت تحمل أي تقارير طبية عن حالتك من أي مستشفى / طبيب في العالم ، فنحن نقبلها جميعًا. عن طريق تحميل التقارير الطبية ، يمكن لأطبائنا / أطبائنا الاطلاع على التقرير على نطاق واسع واقتراح خطة العلاج المناسبة اللازمة لتحسين صحتك. من السهل. فقط اضغط على "إرفاق" واختر الملف.

اضافة تقرير

التقرير المضاف

    لتفاصيل العامة