Soukya, Holistique International Centre de santé du Dr Mathai, Bangalore, Karnataka
for Ayurveda Treatment For Rejuvenation Detoxification
Vue d'ensemble
Soukya, Holistique International Centre de santé du Dr Mathai, est une installation unique qui aide à rétablir l'équilibre naturel de votre esprit, le corps et l'esprit en combinant les progrès de la médecine moderne, les techniques médicales anciennes et thérapies complémentaires utilisées dans le monde entier. Cette installation résidentielle apporte les meilleurs médecins et les thérapies de partout dans le monde. Soukya est situé sur trente acres de terrain magnifiquement cultivé dans l'est de la campagne de Bangalore, à environ 50 minutes de l'aéroport. Neuf grandes structures sont construites autour d'un ovale, dont le centre est rempli de pelouses, de fleurs, d'arbres et symbolique Portail ouvert qui favorise un cœur ouvert, l'esprit et l'âme. Ces neuf bâtiments - le centre médical, le centre administratif, la salle de yoga, le centre de thérapie, la salle à manger, et les quatre groupes d'habitations sont construites dans le style traditionnel sud de l'Inde, faisant usage d'autant de matériaux locaux et faits à la main que possible . Tous les bâtiments sont des structures au niveau du sol, aidant le corps à se connecter en tout temps avec la force magnétique de la terre.
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Spa et bien-être
Forfaits disponibles
Ces forfaits associent une combinaison globale fascinante de bien-être complet en combinant les meilleurs traitements connus des quatre coins du monde. En remontant dans le temps, la compréhension des pratiques, des rituels et des enseignements spirituels nous a permis de réunir des traitements revitalisants tels que l’aromathérapie sensuelle, le massage suédois profondément relaxant, les points de pression et le soulagement des tensions grâce au massage en profondeur des tissus. Des expériences pour aider à revitaliser et à rajeunir.
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Chambres disponibles
Ces salles combinent une combinaison globale fascinante de bien-être complet en combinant les thérapies les plus connues acquises dans le monde entier. En remontant dans le temps, la compréhension des pratiques, des rituels et des enseignements spirituels nous a permis de réunir des traitements revitalisants tels que l’aromathérapie sensuelle, le massage suédois profondément relaxant, les points de pression et le soulagement des tensions grâce au massage en profondeur des tissus. Des expériences pour aider à revitaliser et à rajeunir.
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Thérapies basées sur le bien-être
Rejuvenation Programme (Panchakarma Therapy)
The Panchakarma treatment is famous for its beneficial effects on the overall health and the well-being of an individual. It is a unique detoxification and regeneration programme for body and mind. Panchakarma encompasses five therapies: the Vamana, Virechana, Nasya, Vasti, Raktha and the Mokshana. These five therapies collectively help remove deep routed stress and illness causing toxins from the body while balancing the three Doshas (energies that govern all biological functions). The treatment involves daily massages and oil baths, herbal enemas and nasal administrations. Ayurveda recommends Panchakarma as a seasonal treatment for maintaining mental and physical hygiene and balance.
Slimming Programme (Weight Reduction)
The Ayurveda slimming programme works by increasing metabolism. The programme, which includes medicated steam bath, medication, herbal teas and yoga, works to create a genuine metabolic change. Sedentary lifestyle along with fatty and fried food leads to excess accumulation of body fat which gets deposited in the numerous body channels. This condition is associated with irregular appetite, hypertension, diabetes and many other metabolic disorders. Special weight reduction treatments are included in this package with the purpose to mobilize and cut down excess fat, correct irregular metabolism, and clear the body channels.
Stress Management Programme
Stress is an inevitable part of the modern busy routine. Stress management treatments focus on the impact of the mind on body. This package is an absolute stress reliever which controls depressive tendencies, anxiety, and other psychosomatic disorders. Therapy improves systemic circulation associated with induction of sleep and helps you attains the temperance of mind. Internal medication combined with yoga and classical Ayurvedic treatments like Sirodhara, Thakradhara, Siroabyangam, Uzhichil, Sirovasthy, Nasyam, Sarvangadhara, Pichu, Thalam be highly beneficial for those who are physically and mentally stressed.
Beauty Care Programme
Beauty is the most obvious external manifestation of our overall well-being. Beauty is more than skin-deep according to Ayurveda. It is the most obvious external manifestation of your overall well being. This beauty care package is so designed to detoxify, recover complexion, improve circulation, regulate the discharge of waste materials, restore skin tone and revitalize your inner spirit. Apart from herbs and herbal remedies a wide variety fresh fruits, flowers leave etc are also used in our program and you get purified through treatments like Abyangam, Udwarthana, Lepam, Ksheeradhara, Njavarakihi, Nasyam, Netrasekam, herbal facial, medicated steam bath etc.
Ayurvedic Anti-Ageing Programme
The main goal is to arrest the degeneration of body cells and increase immunity. Rasayana chikitsa or the anti-aging programme starts with a three-week cleansing treatment to eliminate toxins. Only then do the rejuvenation treatments start, with medicines and diet. Based on a person’s constitution or dominant doshas, therapies include pizhichil (massage with lukewarm, medicated oil), pouch massages, different types of uzhichil (massage), and other purifying treatments. The cleansing is followed by a rejuvenation treatment with special creams and oil, backed by a nourishing diet.
Preventive & Regenerative Package
Meant for all, the treatment includes series of bonafide Ayurvedic therapies to heal your doshas so as to regain the perfect well-being and body equation. Lauded as the most compelling natural and preventive way of medicine, the treatment will aid you escape unforeseen ailments, while rejuvenating and restoring the natural health and body, and enhancing longevity. A complete curative conditioning procedure will be undergone and various other curative therapies will be experienced that will be directed towards making the body constructive, formative, tenacious and agile.
Ayurveda Treatment for Sinusitis & Migraine
In Ayurveda, this condition can be correlated to Dushta Pratishyaya, where the main dosha affected is Kapha. It get aggravated and vitiates the Prana Vata (a sub type of Vata), which is mainly present in the respiratory tract. The Ayurvedic approach to sinusitis treatment is multifaceted and can involve a combination detoxification processes through Panchakarma, oral medicines, dietary and life style modifications. Therapies like Nasyam, Lepanam, Thalam, Vamanam, Shirodhara are commonly practiced depending on the dosha predominance and severity. Nasya Karma or Nasyam is a unique and one of the five detoxification therapies mentioned in Ayurveda, highly successful in treating Sinusitis. It is a process in which medicated oil or powder or fresh juice is administered through the nostrils to clear the Kapha accumulated. Recurrence can also be prevented.
Ayurveda Treatment for Eye Care
The treatments used are Netra Tarpana, a rejuvenating treatment for sore eyes using warm ghee; Netra Dhara, a natural way of cleansing the eyes using medicated oils and Netra Lepam relieves various types of eye pain. Treatments like Netra Bandhana, Thulum, Netra Putapaka and Netra Pindi in combination with eye exercises like sunning, palming, eye wash, candle light reading, Snellen chart reading, ball exercises, steaming and application of cold pack relaxes all the muscles of eyes, increases blood circulation to the eyes and softens and maintains the shape of the eyeballs.
Ayurveda Treatment for Bronchial Diseases
Ayurveda calls this disease Kasroga and considers it to be caused by poor digestion. Poor diet, poor digestion and incomplete elimination of wastes lead to formation of ama (mucus) in the lungs. This creates a favorable ground for growth of infecting organisms in the bronchial area. Stress, poor lifestyle, bad circulation, and lack of rejuvenative measures can deteriorate the body’s immune response to invading organisms in the bronchial area. The Ayurvedic treatment of Bronchitis is aimed at simultaneously correcting lung and stomach functions. Herbs are given to ease troubled breathing and expel phlegm. At the same time, Ayurvedic digestive formulas are prescribed to enhance the digestive fire in order to kill pathogens.
Ayurveda Treatment for Rejuvenation & Detoxification
Panchakarma is the traditional form of detoxification of the body and mind that facilitates rejuvenation. It has been utilized for thousands of years as a method of staying healthy, young, and vital. Panchakarma is unlike any other detoxification program; it is fundamentally designed to remove a different form of toxin. While many toxins exist in our environment which accumulate and harm our bodies, Ayurvedic Panchakarma addresses a special toxin called ama which is formed within our own bodies. Ama is the by-product of inadequate digestion. It has the qualities of stickiness and heaviness. In our bodies it clogs our systems and damages our tissues. It is among the most damaging of forces in our bodies and contributes to disease.
Ayurveda Treatment for Nervous Disability
Ayurveda can prove to be a very curative approach in Neurological disorders as it helps in maintaining a healthy balance for the brain. Ayurvedic remedies are primarily focused upon studying the basic behaviour of the disease. Neurological disorders are a result of imbalance caused by an imbalanced vata and influence your brain, spine and central nervous system. The nervous disorders can influence either a single neuron or can affect the whole pathway. Through internal medicines and therapeutic ayurvedia such as Shirodhara, Sirovasti, Nasyam, Pizhichil and Pichu, equilibrium between the doshas is brought back. Yoga and meditation further help nervous system to revitalise and heal. The treatment differs for every patient depending on their problems.
Ayurveda Revitalization & Strengthening Treatment for Cancer
Ayurveda treatment can perhaps help to prevent and treat certain types of cancer, including breast, lung, and colon cancer. Ayurvedic remedies can be helpful for prophylactic, palliative, curative and supportive treatment of cancer. The pain and complications of cancer and its treatment can be ameliorated by making use of Ayurvedic principles. Ayurvedic medicines can help to minimize the adverse effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Ayurvedic treatment for cancer can be used an adjuvant or a co-therapy along with chemotherapy or radiotherapy and even for post-surgery care. The Ayurvedic medicines can reduce the therapeutic dose of the various chemotherapeutic drugs. In patients in whom chemotherapy, radiotherapy or surgery is contra-indicated, Ayurvedic medicines can slow the progress of cancer. Ayurvedic medicines can comfort and improve the quality of life of people with cancer.
Ayurveda Treatment for Cervical Spondyliosis
In Ayurveda, this condition is known as Griva Sandhigata Vata. As the name suggests, the problem is caused by the vitiation of Vata dosha (biohumor associated with Air and Ether). When Vata gets aggravated it causes the depletion of the body’s tissues. The cold and drying qualities of Vata dosha lead to the decrease of the cushioning fluid and connective tissue between the joints that are ruled by Kapha dosha (biohumor associated with Earth and Water). In time, it leads to disc degeneration and eventually brings about spondylosis. Any external massage is not of much use. Violent massage with deep pressure is very harmful for the patient. Only gentle massage over the muscles of the neck and shoulder joints should be applied and for this purpose Mahanarayana taila is best suited. This gentle massage can be given 2-3 times a day. In winter season; this medicated oil should be gently warmed before application.
Ayurveda Treatment for Arthritis
Healthy, flexible joints rely on strong digestion and metabolism. Poor eating habits, weak digestion and stress can allow impurities to accumulate, and build up in the joints. This inhibits joint function, mobility, and comfort. Deep cleansing of the joints and tissues helps relieve immediate symptoms of arthritis. The key to preventing a future build-up of impurities is to create a healthier metabolic system — one that can easily and efficiently eliminate harmful toxins from the body. The raw material for building healthy joints and bones is nutrient plasma. Plasma flows throughout the body — like the sap in a tree — delivering vital nutrients to cells. The body uses these nutrients to build tissues, including joint tissue.
Ayurveda Treatment for Slip Disc
Ayurveda categorized Slip disc as one of diseases caused by vitiation Vata (one of the principle dosha in the body, responsible for the movement and functionality of the body). Treatment in Ayurveda is aimed at restoring the equilibrium through correction of the underlying functional in-equilibrium. Ayurvedic treatments for Slip disc concentrate on bringing back the aggravated vata to the state of equilibrium and thereby to the state of health. The therapies like Abyanga swedam, Nasyam, Pathrapotala swedam, Choornapinda swedam, Pizhichil, Shirodhara, Kadeevasthy, Greevavasthy, Navarakizhi, Vasti etc. are done as per the necessity and condition. These therapies are directed towards relieving the inflammatory changes, releasing the spasms and nerve compressions in the affected area, strengthening the supportive tissues holding the spine, nourishing the joints through improving the circulation. Usually the treatment period is 4 – 5 weeks according to the severity of the disease.
Ayurveda Treatment for Various Skin Diseases
According to Ayurveda, the skin has six layers, found externally as well as stretching out to the more profound levels of the body. A skin disease is established profoundly into different tissues, such as fat, muscles, blood and so forth. Ayurveda dependably tries to find the disease by treating it, particularly as indicated by its cause. The disease being deep seated, it is hard to alter the issue rapidly. Ayurvedic skin treatments may take a couple of weeks to remove the indications.
Ayurveda Treatment for Chronic Back Pain
Balancing vitiated Vata is the best way to treat chronic backache. One of the best Ayurvedic treatments for back pain is Kati Basti (Back oil dough therapy). It is a form of external oleation (Snehana) therapy in Ayurveda. For this ayurveda spine treatment, the patient is made to lie face down. A “dam” made with gram flour dough of four to five inches in diameter is created on the patient’s back (lumbar-sacral area). Medicated oil is poured into this dough ring. When cool, the oil is soaked up using cotton gauze and the process is repeated several times.
Ayurveda for Post Pregnancy Health Program
After delivery, a woman becomes feeble, also empty bodied due to physical and mental stress, and suffers debility related to reproductive organs. The ayurvedic procedure that will be take place only under the supervision of Ayurvedic experts at the centre, would heal you up and aid in restoring your pelvic structure, prop up healthy lactation, reduce your stress, relieve you from neck and back ache. Abhyangam, a complete body massage, will as well be practiced regularly with curative and therapeutic oils to relax your body, revitalise it and enhance immunity. The oils used will vary as per your body constitution and the need.
Ayurveda Treatment for Diabetes
Ayurveda does not regard Diabetes as a disease that can be treated by mere medicine or by a dietary regimen. Madhumeha is classified as a Maha Rog (Major Disease) because, if not treated in time, it can lead to several complications in the body, including eye problems, joint pains, impotency, kidney failure, sexual and urologic problems, and more. Diabetes is a metabolic disorder and it cannot be merely treated by controlling sugar levels. The treatment recommended in Ayurveda – as against modern medicine – is aimed at rejuvenating the body to not only balance sugar levels, but also ensuring that no further complication is caused.
Ayurveda Treatment for De-Addiction & Rehabilitation from Alcohol/Drugs/Tobacco
Ayurveda by its age-old remedial treatments and medicines would help you overcome from alcohol and tobacco abuse. The detoxification and rehabilitation program includes de-addiction therapies- herbal oil massages, Dhara, Njavarakizhi, Thailam, herbal steam bath, internal medicines which would detoxify your body holistically and will aid in regaining the balance.